S/B - 4M B/I - 100k B/O - 7M Current High Bid - Tooms @ B/O Auction ends 48 hours after final bid. Plat@10 HC@6 Blessed RBs (10 chg. unmarked) and Eths (Horses/Nightmares only) @ Plat Value. Please keep posts relevant to the auction! Happy Bidding!
I will accept the changed bid this time. Also going forward, @Tooms will personally need to make any further bids on this auction. As per the Trade Code of Conduct: Explicitly Not Allowed Using alternate accounts to sell, buy or bid on items. Note: This is new change, as previously it was only disallowed when bidding on items. Per the new rules listed above players should not have to result to alternate accounts to buy/sell items because they fear negative commentary from other players. Alternate accounts are fine, however carrying out trade relationships using multiple accounts is resulting in a large amount of wasted staff time investigating reports. Post any bid or offer that you have no intention of following through with. Any attempt to scam or mislead players regarding the purpose of your post. ie: Luring someone ingame to steal the item, rather than buying it, elaborate scams involving house sales, etc Bidding for players other than yourself.
jump thats not illegal what I am doing... That means I am bidding I will pay and make it a gift to him. Tooms and me are totally separate players...