Easter Egg Hunt 2017 * The 2017 easter egg hunt event is nearly here! For more details click here * Fixed a problem where players were incorrectly rewarded 1 point vs 3 points for golden easter eggs. * Fluffy IV's mutant ospring Fluffy V has now been added to punish players who mistakenly think "I got this". * Several bottles of valium have been preemptively delivered to the IRC moderators to prepare them for 50,000 lines of "OMG this is a tamer only event". Note: Sometimes the purpose of the event is not always to kill everything * The easter 2017 reward store has been updated with new prizes in additional to some yearly standard prizes. * A golden egg (decorative rare) 100 Points * A Basket of Herbs (decorative rare) 400 points Note: Yes we know the reward store says 2016, this fills our standard quota of 1 typo per patch. Monsters * Fixed a problem in which in rare cases monsters could spawn inside a players house. * This was very rare but would cause players from distress from broken items, or dead idle characters. * This fix only applies to locations inside a house, monsters can still spawn in a houses courtyard. Note: We are still working on the courtyard issue. Performance * Continued to roll back some performance changes made over the years to address our previous performance issues. * These changes are no longer needed and will be slowly removed. * Example: The timer resolution for the xmlspawner system was changed from 60 seconds, to every 5 seconds. Poison Spell / Poison Wall Spell * Resolved a problem in which the poison spells were not able to be case in town limits correctly. Exploits This patch contains fixes to several exploits that the staff has found during our normal investigative process/RunUO code review. It is entirely possible that no player is aware of what we have found and fixed. However It is important to remind players that the reward for reporting an exploit and working to help the staff resolve it will always be greater than the reward for abusing the exploit. Starting with patch 73 and continuing in this patch rather than just fixing the exploits we have begun to add detailed tracking and logging to these exploits. This will provide the staff with indisputable evidence allowing us properly address players who ignore this rule and to apply the appropriate level of punishment for this behavior. Note: A few things that were planned for patch 75 were unable to be properly tested in time and were moved to patch 75 (Disguise kit, teleporter HOB changes)
Would it be possible, or better, to just restrict special hair/beard dye from being applied to a character with a disguise kit? I'd guess thieves might like to style up their kit sometimes and don't see that as a bad thing.
That is basically what I did, it now checks when you try to use those items, if you are currently under an altered appearance. (Dis Kit, Incog)
Not seeing Moats or CUB in this patch thread... am I being paranoid or has the information been distributed and I missed it? I know there was some talk around last patch where the behind the scenes mechanics were included. Is it now just a flip of the switch once testing is done? Thanks
Peace - pretty sure he only adds stuff as it is finished. Moats were 75% done at last mention: http://uorforum.com/threads/patch-7...-event-combat-changes-more.19614/#post-185219
That's correct ReZon, when you see data in here it means it has passed testing and is ready for application.
The revenants are dropping silver slayer items but the bestiary entry shows that they drop repond. Can this be fixed to drop repond?
Perhaps write a bug report in the bug forum? And you are right, they drop only silver. Same for Dark Ones and many of the smaller undead creatures.
Exploits have been added to the OP. You can be punished for abusing exploits, it says. Every vet player is permanently abusing exploits, e.g. trapped pouches for para break, locked chests that are still accessible, runebooks that dont close when you are far away from them, and many more, among them some more secretive methods that only a few are aware of. I find it hard to distinguish between acceptible exploits and non acceptible ones. I dont think anybody should be punished for their more thorough knowledge of mechanics. At least not until they have been officially notified that a certain thing is forbidden.
Completely agree. There are things, of course (economic abuse for example) which might be obvious abuse but we all use these and other little tricks.
At the point I catch a player abusing an exploit they will be very aware of why they are in jail, and why their ability to play here will be affected. If you cannot distinguish between a known mechanic and affecting the experience of other players by abusing a bug/code issue, then I would recommend doing neither. For the rest of our players this should be a simple assessment to make. This also follows our already stated rules related to discouragement. http://www.uorenaissance.com/conduct
Interesting, so it sounds like something specific is the issue, something targeting other players, and not just "exploits of mechanics" like runebooks and containers that don't close.