*With the orcish Horde growing and spreading throughout the lands an orc called Blood Clomper directs the orcs to look toward the town of Paws. It was there on that very ground that the deamon Baerron Jael and his Master had fallen to the Lightbringers during the Virtue War. It was there the Orcs would show the humans that while the deamon was defeated, the Orcs were not. What better time to slaughter the do gooders than during the Bloodmoon* The Bloodclan orc Muguk speaks*. Et Tyme ta mayk Jupitur pai. Slawtur dem em bryng der hedz as trybyute. HOOWAHH Uruk.
Da Uruk sakrifyze enuff Oomiez en kollekt enuff hedz ta offur tu de Bludgawd diz tyme. Blud fer da Bludgawd. HOOWAHH!!!
GUG CLOMPS! We got a few heads...but I think we won Zapp Brannagin style...by hitting the humans max kill limits. hohohoho
In the second picture from the top, on the left side, with Vish and the NPC orcs in those poses, it looks like they are all having a grand ol' dance party!
hah! I'll probably have to polish the communication stones after all the defiling orc cries of NOoooOo GRAHHHHHH were shouted. i wonder what the poor innocents of Ocllo thought as they stood harbored around the bank. "Is, is that what the real world sounds like? I'm never going to the Fell, like, EVER!"
Afte a succesful coward ambush of two battle-hardened fighters, your mighty Queen Ecstatic decides to send out her elite squad 'EVE' and vows to destroy this dirty Blood Clomper threat.
We'd just put some cardboard down and were doing our thing when the do gooder stick-in-thier-butt humans came to stop us from dancing. I'm sort of like an orcish Kevin Bacon...except at the end of this movie they brought in White Wyrms to stop the dancing at prom.