So last night I did the Cave Troll boss. It took me killing about 40 trolls before I got the elusive cave troll. It also took me almost an hour and a half to get there. I don't mind killing a whole load of small stuff to get a boss at all, but I can see why bosses aren't as popular as they could be. It's the spawn rate. It's so slow. Waiting an hour and a half to kill something that gives a few magic weps and 650gp... isn't worth it, at least if you're killing one troll every 2-3 minutes Is there a way we can have the spawn rates boosted of the lower end mobs? If I'm going to be there for an hour and a half I'd love to at least be able to stay engaged. Thoughts @Chris
@TreeHugger try to kill quick and jump between boss spawns. The rates are not so unreasonable that way.
I get that but then I'm taking up two boss spawns, personally when questing for a "boss" I feel like one should be sufficient to stay engaged when solo. No?
I want shame bloods, shame egs, wind dragon, fire temple dragons, fire dungeon daemons, lich lords, and pretty much every spawn in game made faster while we are at it.
High end high value spawns that drop 1k per... Trolls drop 100GP. I don't want the cave troll itself increased. Just the small shit before it. If you watch that video, he/she runs 3 bosses at once, solo. That's probably not how it was designed.
It's random; I've gotten 2 bosses in half an hour. I've also hunted bosses for 3 hours straight and not gotten a single one. It is the plague of % chance per spawn just as % item per kill. It does not track time already spent. An increase in spawn chance for certain bosses would surely result in some potentially crazy spawn rates.
I don't even care about the boss, just keep me entertained while I wait! Lower the % of the boss and increase the spawn rate of the little stuff.
I agree on the boredom factor but trolls and harpies weren't really meant to entertain high level hunters. A dexxer with a power weapon can handle the troll bosses.
I agree. A 4x GM dexxer takes 2 days to make and power weapons are basically free. Don't see the harm in boosting the low level spawn to keep the boredom away.
Nobody here knows yet what template @TreeHugger was even using to farm his trolls. Maybe he was using a highly valuable vanq troll slaughter weapon on his 5x dexer that is basically a PK's favorite thing to come across to farm these trolls and it was just .... slow? I'm certain a peace/provo lumberjacker can out DPS a tamer with the proper slayer weapon so let's not say "Oh that's newbie monsters for the babies to fight" and criticize him farming them. Maybe it is slow, and totally worthless to farm for anyone? How about someone actually go out there and check out the gold per second on various templates before blindly complaining to what he proposed. I think a lot of the tamer favorite spawns are too fast here. How about we slow some of those down so they can wait 2-3 minutes too.
Under what pretense would we be comparing the gold per hours of the various spawns? Do we really think all spawns should have equal gold per hour? Also lets not ignore the AFK troll farming issue and how this would just make it worse. Trolls are so easy you can park a dexxer(or tamer) in the vicinity with a basic macro and a 4k loadout and if you survive over night wake up to some plat and maybe a statuette. No looting required. AKA how there are so many troll kills on the leaderboard lol.
Well you said yourself you want the spawns you farm at to be faster. So I can only take from that you don't want this spawn that someone else uses increased because it doesn't benefit you. I simply stated that maybe you can look at the actual gold per second being pulled from it, and adjust accordingly rather than simply say "Yeah well I want a trammel etheral unicorn for each mongbat I kill, tough luck pal". AFKing a troll spawn sounds exactly like something people would do here. Try anything to get out of actually playing the game it seems. But that's kind of an unrelated problem to the one not-afk Treehugger is having right? Maybe the plat and statues shouldn't poof into your backpack like that allowing people to simply AFK farm like this.
People farm that shit AFK? How is that allowed or even possible? spawn rates for liches, bloods, gazers are fine. They're normal spawns. This is supposed to be a "quest" type event. It's not challenging. I don't care about the gold I make, I just want it to be harder/more fun as it's something to do other than "all kill" or "who do you wish to encite" And it's something else to do that is actually SOCIAL. So many people BoD flip or fish and just stay the hell away from other players. I'd like to be able to do this with buddies and also have the threat of dying/being PKd In order for that to happen it's gotta be more fun/harder. Simple way to do that is increase low end spawn rates by a tonne and decrease % of the boss showing up.