This is my razor macro for Carpentry. It uses "make last" and scorps to craft. Uses 3 organizer containers per loop, using 10 would be more effective but 3 was enough for me because I only macroed when I was at my computer. !Loop Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|4327|True Assistant.Macros.WaitForGumpAction|949095101|False|5 Assistant.Macros.GumpResponseAction|21|0|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Organizer Agent-4 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Organizer Agent-5 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Organizer Agent-6 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:03 Assistant.Macros.IfAction|50|0|50|board Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-2 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1080947274|945|1677|12|3650 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01.5000000 Assistant.Macros.EndIfAction
Does anyone have any clue why my carpentry macro keeps stopping and timing out? I've got a restock agent for the 5 boards from the container to my pack 1 second pause Double click tool by type Wait for gump Select make last Wait for gump Close gump Pause for 2 seconds I then take the made item and trash can it Pause 2/3/4/5/6/7 seconds (tried different times) Loop. But it's so inconsistent, sometimes it runs for 5 minutes fine, other times it just pauses after 1 or two ballot boxes and gives me a 5 minute pause? Proper doing my noggin in and I can't figure out what's causing it! Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
@Sheepdog It may be line 4 waiting for the gump to open, but it's already open. Try changing it to a .25 second pause or nothing or something. Edit: if you check the macro, which part does it seem to be hung up on?
The hang genuinely varies, I started all over again with it and moved my character to a quitter spot, I think it may be/have been a lag issue causing it to jitter up as it hasn't done it since (with the addition of your .25 idea) Thanks @Radish
The problem with wait for gump is if your tool breaks than the macro will time out. What I generally do is have the macro double click on whatever tool you're using type wait for gump, then after crafting something I have it pause for 3 seconds. If the tool breaks this way it gives you enough time to craft whatever you are crafting than when the macro restarts it will just open the gump with a new tool.
Just GM'ed Carpentry using this method today. In total, I used 47,242 boards. Of course to make the fishing poles I used cloth, but forgot to keep track. I want to say it was in the 2-3k range. Hope this info helps the next guy out Now I need to fence all of these darn gnarled staves cluttering up my house. My god they are everywhere.
It's a bit vague....I've never even used an organizer before so I guess you can assume why I'm confused. I was able to get the macro to put the ballot deeds in the boxes but what about the boards? I have 5k boards on the ground but I can't figure out how to make my guy auto pick them up when he runs out.
you want to use the 'restock' option for this, it is set up the same as the organiser, so in your macro you have the lines below: Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-2 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1080947274|945|1677|12|3650 first one would be to use the restock agent 2 and the second one is the restock container target, so stick the boards in a container to pull from.
!Loop Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|4327|True Assistant.Macros.WaitForGumpAction|949095101|False|5 Assistant.Macros.GumpResponseAction|21|0|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|5360|1 Assistant.Macros.DropRelLocAction|-1|0|0 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|5360|1 Assistant.Macros.DropRelLocAction|0|-2|0 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|5360|1 Assistant.Macros.DropRelLocAction|0|2|0 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|5360|1 Assistant.Macros.DropRelLocAction|1|0|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:03 Assistant.Macros.IfAction|50|0|50|board Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-2 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1080947274|945|1677|12|3650 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01.5000000 Assistant.Macros.EndIfAction I've tried modifying it a bit, but can anyone tell me why it won't pull boards from my bank box? I targeted myself as the container, and it just wont work. Edit: if I click "restock now" it restocks just fine. Just won't work in the macro.
the line below needs to be set as you, reset target, click your health bar and have the boards in the main container of the bank Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1080947274|945|1677|12|3650
Someone tell me why restock won't work during the macro but will work fine if I click the restock now button? Everything works except the restock part on all of my macros. if the restock part wasn't setup right, wouldn't it not work when I click the restock now tab?
Here is my macro for ballot boxes, well, part of it: I believe the issue is you need a slight delay between executing the restock and targeting the chest that holds the boards. I should also add, this is assuming you haven't done something wonky with the set up of the agent itself. Notice I did not use an IF condition, I just ran the restock every time, as once you are 1/3 through the particular item you are making, you always make it.
I've added a delay like and it still didn't work so I took it back out since it still didn't work anyway. Ive tried 1000,2000,3000 ive tried a lot of different times and nothing.
I've added a delay like and it still didn't work so I took it back out since it still didn't work anyway. Ive tried 1000,2000,3000 ive tried a lot of different times and nothing.
I've added a delay like and it still didn't work so I took it back out since it still didn't work anyway. Ive tried 1000,2000,3000 ive tried a lot of different times and nothing.
Try this. Paste it into a new macro. Load it in Razor, and modify it for you. Let me know if it works. If not, then the problem must be with your restock agent. !Loop Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|4327|True Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:00.3000000 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-3 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:00.3000000 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1104365328|4512|1063|32|3705 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01.7500000 Assistant.Macros.GumpResponseAction|44|0|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3762|True Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01.5000000 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Organizer Agent-3 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:00.5000000
The guide is incorrect. I'm now at 72.3 (65.9 show real)... I have 100% chance to make ballot boxes now, and 0.0 chance to make fishing poles. So there had to be something in between before fishing poles. I'm no longer gaining off ballot boxes and since just burnt through 2k boards before realizing I could no longer gain from ballot boxes.