True, mages have to adjust their stats too for mind blast. Although admittedly they can drink blue potion for added defense quite easily where as dexxers don't have an INT increasing tonic. However, that doesn't mean dexxers are helpless against a MB. Make a cunning-self macro. GET GM MAGERY as one of your skills. Keep spell reflect on. Set your stats to something like 88 str (you'll have 94 hp), 97 dex, and 40 int. With those stats and the cunning spell buff, you'll have 51 int and will only take 23 damage from MB. Not so devastating anymore. (Well as long as you don't get feebleminded, then its going back up to 29 damage) Also the benefit of having 40 intelligence and GM magery means you can easily keep your spell reflect up (potent spell reflect too because of the gm magery skill) and you can cast a gate ever so often to bring in some npc hirelings, if that fits your bag.
So you telling me, "ruin ur pure mage or pure dex template because if u dont, a 5th cicle spell will kill u super fast" So i have to waste stats points on my mage/dexxer because of this unique spell that will rape me if I would want to be pure dexxer or mage. Nice!
Yes, that's exactly what he's saying. 100 100 25 is not that amazing. The damage bonus from strength increments very lightly and tops out to only 20% at 100. You're not going to be losing too much damage by dropping 12 points of strength. It'll be only a few percent points. Also hitpoints is tallied by the formula 50 + (str/2) here. That's why I said 88 str equals 94 hp in my example above. 97 dex over 100 is only like tenths of a seconds difference in swing speed, which is negligible.
if you don't believe me this is an excerpt from patch 73 This means the bulk of your damage is gonna come from your tactics and anatomy skills. Strength has the least bonus of all three factors.
In conclusion, what you're saying is tantamount to saying I rather die endless agonizing times to mind blast than give up my +2% of damage increase
Sometimes i dont understand why people want to follow the failed path which osi failed to keep users because of unbalnced designand era. Something need to be fixed or balanced otherwise same destiny awaits
As others have already said, MB affects both mages and dexxers equally. Both character types need balanced stats. If anything balanced stats gives dexxers more mana. That's extremely useful. More dex on mages is pretty worthless. Well, except for healing mages... Maybe a second off a bandage.
The wands we have now were available during Renaissance... Didn't we already have this conversation...
Yes... gheal wands never existed on renaissance. Are you trolling? Since you keep talking about wands in general and not the wands that were not in renaissance you obviously are trolling..
It's too bad none of you read the server motto, "History Perfected." Meaning..just because something was "era accurate" doesn't mean it has to remain that way. I.e. If there's a better way for something to be coded, we can change that. So cut the whole "YEAH BUT ITS ERA ACCURATE" bs out.