Anyone here recently purchase a Shroud of the Soul Flayer (hue 1107 I believe) and/or a plat reward Stump with Axe? There are only 5 shrouds in game of that hue and 4 stumps in game, so I know this is a bit of a reach trying to find the people who bought those recently. The shroud drops from the queen of the damned rarely during Halloween. The Stump is a plat reward purchase. If you did purchase either of those in the past couple months from a player or player run vendor (not from the plat reward vendor) please PM me. I'm not trying to buy it or anything like that I'm looking for some information. I can be reached on the forums or on IRC. On IRC I'm "jp". Thank you for your time.
Those shrouds of the bloodletter are awesome Congrats on having one of those (hopefully some day I'll get one!) Right now though I'm just looking for some info on any recent stump and soul flayer shroud purchases. This isn't to try to buy them either, more trying to get info on the circumstances in which they were sold (and who they were sold by). So far I've got a couple PMs in IRC that have been helpful.