1. At what skill lvl item identification do you need not to fail identifying a single item? (I know you need GM to ID an entire container) 2. How much more effective is GM detect hidden as opposed to 70 detect hidden if you don't have the remove traps skill? I guess I mainly want it to reveal stealthers and get them killed by spawn if they're in my way. 3. Why is there no chest that spawn at yew crypts and trinsic and minoc bank like the old days? 4. This one really puzzles me.. Why is the gold you loot from mobs, all in a container instead of just being on the corpse of the mob? 5. What skill lvl of magery do you need to never fail recalling from a scroll? 6. Does having magery assist in your magic resist on this server? I know that's a little more than a few questions and I thank you for any help with these.
1.- 100 (as a rule of thumb, if you can't fail, you can't gain) 2.- Unsure 3.- I never knew about the bank chests, but Yew Crypts definitely is missed. 4.- To prevent auto-looting by 3rd party programs 5.- Depends on the spell. I believe casting from a scroll reduces the casting requirement by 2 circles. In other words, a lvl 8 spell cast from a scroll has a lvl 6 magery requirement. 6.- Higher magery does affect certain spells.
1. GM = 100% success, 50 = 50% success, 76 = 76% success, etc. (and you know about the "whole container" custom UOR stuff) 2. It's going to be 30% less effective. My advice: If you want to reveal people that have hiding/stealth, you should GM this, or not waste your time. Additionally, if you want to do this and NOT also do tracking, it's basically a waste of skill points. 3. Because there is no record of all chests and these things were different across the official shards. Does UOR have "enough" chests? Yes. Are they in the exact spots I remember from <my specific shard>? No. 4. LIke Pirul said, to "prevent auto looting by third party cheaters". Is it effective? Seems to prevent at least some people. Is it annoying? Yes god it's super annoying. 5. It's all documented right here on this official shard link. 6. No. Magery will increase the damage that spells do. It will increase the amount of HP you can heal with magery. It also effects the duration of field spells and summons, and the amount of stats a buff/debuff adjusts. So you can heal more per mana spent with higher magery... so that's kind of a "resistance" against magic.
Honestly the chart just confused me on minimum requirement not to fizzle casting recall using a scroll. But thank you guys for your replies.