What to do...

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Enslaved, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. Rickbrent

    Rickbrent Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    I'be been on the server for over 2 years now (very casual player)...my tamer is at 54.6, vet at 43, magery at 96, then med, animal lore, eval int, and resist are all 100. I macro him when I have time and I work on my other templates to make gold or gather resources etc. I have 3 large towers and my first small house. I want a large keep, but I am not going to beg people here to give me one (defeats the purpose of hard work and appreciating what you work for).

    By the way and off topic...Does anyone have a Large keep they will sell me for cheap or give to me for free please?

  2. Felucca

    Felucca Active Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    I'd gladly do this if there were any other template that compared GPH-wise

    I don't think there is but I could be wrong.

    I really don't like playing a tamer I find it boring as hell, but I don't see what choice I have when stuff is as expensive as it is on here.
  3. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    If you want gold, a tamer/bard (bard is easier) doing champion spawns is the only way to go in my opinion. You will make a lot more gold this way than anything else you do (unless youre a veteran sitting on a pile of pixels who spends most their timing trading shit on the forums)
  4. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Peace dexer
    Provo Mage.

    Both can be 6xGM in 4 days.
  5. Felucca

    Felucca Active Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    @Theodin I didn't realize champ spawns could be solo's much less by a bard?
  6. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    All I meant is nearly all my wealth came from spawns playing the tamer/ and or bard
    Felucca likes this.
  7. Felucca

    Felucca Active Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Right, sorry was just looking for confirmation that Champs can't really be done alone
  8. Pulse

    Pulse Active Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Well, I think barracoon could be done solo but it takes more than twice as long as if you had just one friend helping.
  9. Mykos

    Mykos Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 2, 2013
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    A Provo Mage is a relatively easy build to earn gold. It is typically my goto build when first arriving on any shard I have played. A peace dexer is pretty fun alternate to that though. A tamer opens up many more possbilities, but i didnt make my first tamer for about 2 years here.
  10. Enslaved

    Enslaved Active Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    Seems i forgot that thread... suprising how offensive some of the ppl here are...

    FIRST: i never thought about a handout or something like that, period!

    Second: i always started playing uo with a dexxer to make gold then macro other chars with that gold.
    I have had a few chars here including a dexxer and a mage when i played here 3 years ago but finding
    their banks empty and the chars almost unequiped so i decided to make a tamer to hunt some bigger
    stuff.... and now comes the thing where i was complaining about:

    I didn't knew about that bonding system here, i expected it's like it is like everywhere else... 5 pet slots, feeding, stabling, wait 7 days = done... i've read about it when i was in the middle of my tamers training and my dexxer sucked hell
    in gold farming... then i've read about buying bonding slots from other peoples zookeeper quests scrolls and... ok
    175k wasn't doable for me and it's still a bit hard but now i know many gold farming spots and i'm on my way...

    Third: as i wrote before, i dont like going out with trash pets... i'm always on the hunt for the "almost perfect" pet, this
    is some kind of an addiction, cant do anything about it :) so i was a bit shocked when i saw that i wouldn't be
    able to bond these pets (after trained them also maybe)...

    Thats it! I dont "cry" or expect any handouts what somebody here wants to see in my post... btw to this guy -> fuck you!

    So much for this, thanks to everyone else for the tips and help, have a good one :)
  11. Khar'Mash

    Khar'Mash Member

    Aug 22, 2017
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    I'm gonna just ignore most things here and address the question which is "what to do as a young tamer..."

    First off I'd think you would want to simply macro up your skill. I've seen people taming silver serpents in the Jhelom pens; assuming you can't actually succeed, continuously failing them (so they're still wild) should boost skill quite a bit. Then I've heard it's all about taming bulls until you can tame dragons, which you do by dragging them to a house on fire island, banning them and then taming them (they will still nuke you, just no melee.)

    Beyond that use other means to earn money to support your tamer. If your tamer is getting magery anyway then I would suggest training that first and using blade spirits and later on energy vortices and summoned daemons to farm. Training magery is actually quite cheap (provided you use healing/anatomy to train it - another good reason to do it early so you can then drop these skills) especially because you simply don't have the meditation and intelligence early on to burn through reagents fast enough to make it expensive.

    Protip: You can join NPC guilds for 500 gold pieces which will grant you a reduction in prices. Blood Moss, Black Pearl and Blank Scrolls then cost 4 instead of 5, so I'm assuming it's a rounded down 20% discount, which in itself will mean GM cartography costs 20% less.
  12. Enslaved

    Enslaved Active Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    Thanks Khar'Mash. I've build all my characters right now and i'm good for now. My main thing wasn't gold making or character training here anyways. Playing the game since '97...:) the thing was how the bonding system here works and if its worth the time investment to search for "perfect pets", train them and take them out for a hunt with the risk that they get killed and all the time is wasted.

    First it was a little "shock" for me, having my pets not bonded while simply stable them for 7 days but ok, i just deal with, the game will work without that until i can afford a few bonding slots. Thanks!

  13. Khar'Mash

    Khar'Mash Member

    Aug 22, 2017
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    It's only fair that in order to claim the souls of your pets you first have to give up your own. :p
  14. khaleesi1

    khaleesi1 Member

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Gm magery took about 50-60k gold from 50-100. Invis yourself until 80 (or 85) and then cast rez on a book til gm. That's the fastest and cheapest way. Still pricey.

    The Jhelom tamers aren't taming the silver serpents. They are taming bulls and the serpents then kill the bulls as they turn tamed.
  15. Enslaved

    Enslaved Active Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    I'd give my soul for the souls of my pets at any time! :)

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