Freshly placed Fortress, formally a Castle. Great location, with grass far as the eye can see. Not sure when the last Fort went up for legitimate sale, but this one is ready to go. PM me for private showing. SB: 23 mil B/I: 250k B/O: 33 mil 72 hr. single bidder / 48 hr. multi bidder Plat @ 10k Hcoin @ 5k Gold @ 1:1 Ethys @ 5 mil No bless rune books at this time. Court yard is probably not secure.
Come down 10mill and I might throw a SB out there. Based on my market analysis, you are obviously using Punts keep that sold for 25mill in your comps. Rookie mistake for new agents. Punt's neighborhood is 4 hours away, has limited neighbors, is ON the water, and located just seconds from a popular dungeon. Therefor is not a viable comp. Your home is in the middle of over-populated swamp lands that was fillled in years ago. High risk of sinkholes, flood insurance required, and your neighbors smell bad. Beautiful home though, just very overpriced. I would commend you if you find that "specialty buyer" and get the $$ you are asking. Good luck! Message me if you are willing to come way down on price, thanks!
TBH, these dont come up for sale almost..ever, without having half a dozen useless houses attached to them which people use to inflate the price beyond what almost anyone can afford. IMO 20 mil would be a better S/B, but i'd be suprised if someone isnt willing to tack on 3 more mil to get one of these increasingly rarer homes.
15mill S/B would get people involved in a bidding war which might actualyl fetch the 23mill. Let the market decide. Come down on S/B and see what happens.
There are 78 Forts on this server, HALF are in as good of location or better as this fort listed. So 39 Forts are as good as this, with that said HOW many of the 39 will EVER be for sale unless these players quit? There are lots of players on this server that are simply "black holes" once they get a item it will never be seen again in circulation. Price seems fair to me if you want a fort on grass. Its just how much someone values this just like a white tome or blue 5th sandies....
Fort Hoarding is starting to pay off after 5 years, and inflation, people are selling keeps at 6-9+ now. Though I agree with Air that15 mil would be a more realistic figure.
I don't disagree with most of what you said. But i have to get this out there....the price seems fair to you because you will get a percentage of the sale since that fort is owned by IDERP...and You are IDERP...I just think its crazy how you guys, historically, have artificially inflated the housing market by controlling the IDOC's. Do I have anything against capitalism? nope, but for being a game, you guys take this stuff so far out in left field, it's almost comical.
78 forts / 15 housing spots = 6 people can own every fort placed on the server. (not saying this is the case, but interesting to think about)