subjective ups and downs... you can go a very long time, to the point where you feel like throwing your mouse through the window then all the sudden, feeling dejected you eject your "one more net" into the water... you look away staring off into the distance of your room wondering what's become of your life. Perhaps I should go grocery shopping? I do need some more mustard before Monday, yeah I think I'll... SUNKEN SHIP OF PIRATES HAS SURFACED! F*CK YEAH M8 THAT'S GR8! OH LOOK THE DEEP SEA SERP IS STUCK ON THE MAST HAHA WHAT A TARDALOON! ZOMG GREEN AMIB? I LOVE FISHING WOOOO! I've done a lot of fishing. A LOT. I love the 360 game involvement it can bring from rare collection, crafting, PvM, AMIB's, treasure chest sorting (I actually love doing that for some reason), etc... It's a multi faceted activity in UO. You can make way better loot and more gold doing other things in UO though. I've collected a megaton of data and each day I spend fishing my bottom line is much lower than other thing's I could have spent my time on. That's not why I do it though. I just get a kick out of it.
Thanks guys for getting me fired up again. Definitely fishing tonight. Got my first big fish last night.
F***! I still haven't caught a big fish, I just said F it and went and bought a big fish and now training carpentry so I can hang it on the wall. The fishing God's have definitely not been in my favor.
Big fish really don't have a use unless we are in a tournament. I wanted to hang my first big fish once, but then I caught like a ton more and I didn't care anymore. Only big fish I have mounted are award winners
Hey guys, why do yo have tracking ? The mobs I have tracked never have any good loot and tend to be regular spawn. I tend to fish with two chars at the same time and over the last month or so I have got a total of two Amibs. Not sure if that's normal but I fish for 3 to 4 hours a day. Kind of weak imo
Tracking is usually used to know when pk's are coming. Or you can become the pk and track those catfish eating wus's and pk them.
I put tracking on my fisher before the patch that nerfed it when used against players. It was supposed to watch for player pirates. These days I use it to find sea mobs I've fished up but sailed away from, or shipwrecked krakens that have run from me when at low health
Not to also say, you can use your Fisher with tracking to find Holiday elves or other event mobs. Then you gate in your tamer or other character that is to kill them.
as I new player to OU:R would you be able to tell me, these holiday elves are in boats? or are you meaning on land?
They're mainly on land, in dungeons, etc... Depends on the Holiday event in question. I think the elves were in dungeons. Valentines mobs were overland. I think. This Halloween will be the start for me to participate in these events, so I have much to learn myself.
Hey Cheapsuit! I caught my first one yesterday, too! Definitely going to mount it and hang it at home.
....and this morning I fished up my first sea kraken, from which I got a blue AMIB! By the looks of it, I'm not equipped to Iron Man the AMIB. Looks tricky. Don't really wanna sell it though. Can't find too much information about them yet....
i wish there was a way to keep track of what the average net/amib ratio is. I have a good source telling me he averages 1 per 25 nets or so, I personally got 2 in 100 nets.