@Aris 13 is @shad You are missing this one: Dealhunter: This guy will only bid the s/b on items that are an absolute bargain but 100% definitely will not sell for the s/b. For example, if the occlo marble house is on the forums for sale and they post an s/b of 100k, we all know it's going to go for millions. This guy will jump in and post a bid for s/b. Them promptly be outbid. On only SUPER rare occasions will he get an item at a good deal, and in 99% of the other auctions he participates in he just adds one more bid-increment to the price for whomever won.
I have a feeling the list could be an on-going effort...I forgot about The Dealhunter. And I just revised the list and added a few just a couple minutes ago too!
In my opinion, the seller should also be able to close the auction without hard feelings if a bid retraction happens. But curious what others think about this. More whimsically, for "ends 24 hours after last bid", what happens during daylight savings time changes? When you "fall back", 7:00am today is 25 hours after 7:00am yesterday.
Absolutely correct auctioneers discretion to just end it and start over I always go by forum clock so during daylight savings time you gain or lose an hour
This is a great guide. I have played here for a while but never visited the forums. Looks much easier to sell items here then on my vendor. Thanks for the thread @LanDarr
While this is SOMEWHAT funny -_-", i recent learned people usually do: single bidder duration / multibidder duration so 48/24 implies if one bidder, 48 hours til the auction closes if more than 1 bidder, 24 hours since the last bid for the auction to close. so technically @wylwrk is correct! dyslexia!
@LanDarr thanks for the great guidelines! It wouldn't hurt to put the currency type initialism list in to help new UOR members like me.. GP - Gold Pieces SP - Silver (or are they called FC faction coins..) PT- Platinum HC - Holiday Coins
“The Richard” The guy who comes in late to bid, raises the price by 175k and then promptly bows out. More annoying than the money is extending the deal another 24 hours.