I've been playing a few days now and I absolutely LOVE the server. I just wanted to post a little constructive criticism if I could. I think the skill required to get BODs is a little too high. I understand that BODs shouldn't be able to be farmed by new characters but part of the fun of the BOD system for me has always been leveling up with them. Blacksmithing and Tailoring is pretty mundane at lower levels (if you're actually doing it by hand and not macroing it), and the BOD system always was a bit of an encouragement to level up the skills. At level 70, it seems like you either have to macro it or "suffer" through leveling the skill up to get to the "fun part" of getting BODs. Now, if the intention is to make it extra challenging in order to get to the point of getting BODs and making it feel like more of an accomplishment, then I completely understand. It just seems a little off-putting to new players. The floating combat numbers are distracting and not really era accurate. Perhaps allow us to toggle them? Some of the RunUO default sound effects aren't era accurate (or OSI accurate at all), for example the player death sound and lich sounds. I understand that this isn't a big deal, but it just adds a more authentic feel to the game. Who can forget that horrifying laugh the first time they ran into a lich (and probably died)? Plus, I know everyone remembers the old human death sound. Classic. I uploaded them to Youtube: Lich Human death sound I don't have RunUO installed but I can install it and try to find the sound file IDs or whatever it uses if you need. Anyway those are just the things off the top of my head after playing here for a few days. I'm having a blast!
I love the floating damage numbers personally but would be happy to have an option to disable them. In regards to BoDs, I wouldnt have an issue with small BoD pulls being possible at 50, or 60 skill. Not everyone's a macro-mining two day GM Smithy, so that makes sense. As for Lich sounds, I'll have to go kill some more but I thought everything sounded fine last night. I would like the old death sounds, or a variety of them, if possible.
He is right about the liches. I remember that laugh from my newbie days in Moonglow cemetery and knowing I was gonna die and likely be dry looted by someone. I do dig the damage numbers though. Love the damage numbers in fact. That said, welcome aboard Elf.
Thanks for the input Elf The bulk order skill levels are a custom element here as we wanted to avoid the saturation that the system can see when not properly designed. The skill level requirements help assure that players devote a crafter to the skills, versus the having no skill requirements for BOD creating a class of players who just add those skills to other templates. I've heard on some servers pvp'ers would have 99.9 resisting spells and .1 blacksmithing just for their daily BOD collection. While that is not a problem here with per account BOD timers, we want to be careful in this area. As for the overhead damage, we have plans to add that to your player profile as a toggle, it proved useful in the early days of the server as we were running so many tests. You can download UO Fiddler here and explore the sounds available in our client without having to run your own runuo server. Uo Fiddler Thanks for the Input and welcome to the server!
A dmg toggle would be nice feature however I like the floating dmg. As for BoDs, I like the 70 skill needed for reasons Chris stated above. Maybe at 50 skill you get only non-exceptional smalls. 60 chance at exceptional smalls. 70 anything. I believe lich sound is correct and death is close. What would be interesting is a different sound dependent on kill shot. Very fluffy and candy... just a thought.
I don't think BODs should be available at lower skill levels. Being able to pull BODs with starter chars will flood the market with cheap BODs. Don't forget that small non-exeptional BODs are perfect to be filled with a GM smith and flipping them for a high level BOD. Getting a Tailor/Blacksmith to 70 skill for the first BODs can be done very quickly. A smith needs less than 15k ingots to 70 skill. That can be mined by an occasional player within a few days. Even cheaper for 70 Tailoring, enough cloth for that can be collected with a day of cotton/flax farming. Just make sure you need to put a LITTLE effort into a BOD-runner ...