I have recently purchased these 3 towers near Compassion desert and connected the 3 together and would like to use this big ol chunk of real estate to host events. 3 large towers and all that rooftop space opens up a lot of possibilities for some interesting and entertaining events that wouldn't be possible or practical in other locales. I would like to share these with the community in essence. Have an event idea? Pitch it. Want to host an event of your own and have no place to do so? No problem. I won't be using these as a personal residence at all so I have no problem co-owning people to help as staff, decorate for whatever events might be on the calendar, etc. New players in need of a place to macro? Sure. In the future I would like to add a rune library and perhaps some vendors, who knows. What I have here is a whole lot of space and I'd like to see it used for cool stuff that everyone can enjoy. I would appreciate the input from some of our more clever and civic-minded Sosarians, in fact hoping to put together some sort of event planning coalition. Help me out here gang, lets do some neat stuff. Oh...yeah, any ideas on what to name them would help too, I'm drawing a blank.
I think you could do a neat Capture-the-Flag event. Team A starts in the left tower, team B in the right tower. Each team's flag is on the first floor of its tower. So you must cross the middle tower and all the way into the other in order to capture the flag and return it to your base (winning the game). Of course, there should be non-player obstacles as well - roaming monsters, trapped chests with supplies, etc. At that location, I'd bet you could also drag a wandering healer into each tower to res players that die, so it's not one-and-done.
That is a great idea Dalavar. Perhaps the teams start with basic supplies with additional or more advanced supplies on the various levels of the middle tower. Obstacles could be set up a multitude of ways. I like the idea of dragging healers into the towers as well. Perhaps we could get Telamon to dump some spawn in there to really make it interesting for some events. There are endless possibilities really.
Wandering healers won't rez in a house under any conditions -- this would still have to be a player-managed function. Otherwise, I like the idea.
Hell yeah...make this happen and expect a flood of donations of gear/supplies. I'll be one of the ones donating if this becomes real
Well, such a luxurious locale needs a great name... so I'll start with the naming suggestions: Renaissance Triple Towers (simple enough) Bloody Plains Flat Tops ShadowJack Memorial Towers II Sosarian Event Center Dalavar Towermage
Okay I am thinking then the inaugural event being a massive CTF. I like Dalavar's idea of the flags being located on the ground floor of the outermost towers. This is just a rough idea to be fleshed out and I appreciate any input. Teams would start with limited starting gear that could be upgraded along the way by securing various gear stores located in the middle tower. Initial starter gear being store bought weapons and armor, minimal regs and bandages, no pots, etc. As the teams push forward they can uncover and secure GM armor and weapons, increased amounts of regs, potions, bandages, etc. In the deeper reaches of the middle tower, perhaps some magic weapons and armor, larger caches of regs and pots, etc. Looting would be permitted as well. Secure them for your team or deny them to the enemy, etc. Rezzing would be handled either via team mates or wandering healers positioned outside the towers. Should a player rez at the healer outside they would be permitted to enter only their starting tower where they would be refitted with starter gear once more or they could choose to make the dash to their corpse and whatever may remain on it. Battle rages until one team secures the enemy flag and returns it to their starting point. Thoughts or ideas?
King of the Hill, wherein the objective is to take 'control' of the center tower roof. Have a pit in the middle that you must be in for X amount of time, without allowing the enemy within the area for Y amount of time, etc. I wonder if administration could make CTF Flags as house add-ons or something...
While the venue encompasses all three towers, we must not overlook the fact that they are in fact three distinct structures and therefore, they would each require an appropriate nomenclature that is a derivative of the primary venue. Therefore I submit: Dalavar Towermage Dalavar Westmage Dalavar Centermage Dalavar Eastmage Delta Towers Missouri (west) Thames (Center) Yang Tze (east) HIP Events (History Perfected) Pinnacle I Pinnacle II Pinnacle III
You guys have absolutely no respect whatsoever for character limits. Do you think it's easy what I do? DO YOU?! You're limited to 4 characters with which to express yourself. Try that on for size. Heck, with Dalavar Mapmage, I only used 3. That's a record that won't be broken any time soon, if I do say so myself. You just got Dalavar Toldmage. (also, I nominate Axe, Smash, and Crush)
What about putting a character outside your shop yelling out deals and prices, call him Dalavar Admage EDIT: 2 letters 33 minutes Dalavar Pwndmage.
Certainly not, and one could not hope to be. I will promise that nothing that transpires here will interfere with the sacred Friday Fight Night or any other events held there. That is your turf Lib. I had actually hoped I could consult with you as you are the resident expert in pvp-type event planning and perhaps get you on board with the eventual event planning team I'd like to build.
i was just trying (and probably failing) to be funny. i'd love to help out. just hit me on irc any time.