Input needed: H*O's YEW CASINO (soon to be open)

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Medieval Name, Dec 30, 2017.

Refer to the TL;DR paragraph

  1. 5/11 (low risk, less gain)

  2. 6/12 (various gains)

  3. 2/12 (high risk, more gain)

  1. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    // This post is not meant to be an advertisement as the grand opening will be announced in the event forum when the time has come.. but seeing as I want input regarding the slots, I figured I would brief you all with the project's progress.//

    As some of you may have noticed, I tend to enjoy some gambling from time to time. Since I joined UO:R, I have always dreamed of building a player-run casino. Since I've heard the last casino (cove, I believe) had shut down, I have been giving a lot of thought and effort into funding and building my very own casino. With what seems like definitive excitement from a bunch of fellows from the House of Oor'tael, I am proud to announce that we are most likely going to host casino nights with multiple open tables thru 2018. I have acquired an L-Shape perfectly sized for such events, two screens away from Yew's MG and BANK. I also had the pleasure to host a small blackjack session will fellow players who seemed to enjoy the testrun as much as I did!

    From time to time, you might see members of the house advertising an open table on IRC.
    Don't fall into a scam! Until further notice (or grand opening), only I shall open a table for testing. Trusted dealers will be announced when time has come.

    Dealers are yet to be trained and tests are yet to be run but to give you all a taste of it, here are some the games that are to be held:
    First floor will feature table dice games such as blackjack, hi/lo, etc (players vs dealer) as well as 24/7 slots.
    Second floor will feature a bar, some one on one tables for players wanting to play against eachother at dice and chess as well as an animal cage for random animal fights.

    TL;DR (POLL): I have been wondering what kind of outcome most of you who like to gamble would love to see as slots mechanism. Since I am mostly doing this for fun, I am aiming at around 10-15% return on slots and this will most likely include vendors' fees. Three vendors will be seated at the slots. One for 10k, one for 25k and one for 50k bets. As a player, would you prefer more chances at gaining less or less chances at gaining more? What would make you return and enjoy the experience?

    So far, I have came up with three different options to use as guidelines:
    - 5/11 boxes could hold a chance at doubling your money (say on a 10k bet, you'd have 5 chances out of 11 to get 20k back).
    - 6/12 boxes could hold a chance at various amounts, from a small loss to a x4-5 gain (for 10k bets, half boxes would be empty with the other half containing 3k to 50k).
    - 2/12 boxes could hold less chance at making more money (say on 10k bets, a chance at 25k and 80k).

    Note that those are only rough estimates, amount of boxes could also be higher for higher gains. This is exactly why I am asking for input. Take the poll as a way to express how much risk you like to take when gambling and feel free to express your views and ideas on the matter in this thread. Also take in consideration that part of the profits (if that's that case) will be invested in the house of Oor'tael and thus (for you who are not aware) spent to help the young players.

    Game requests for tables will also be taken into consideration! That said, I sincerely hope that some of you are as excited as I am about this project and I hope to see you around! Happy Holidays!



    Seeing as most tend to go for the various gains, I have officially opened the slots tonight!
    Vendor fees are a little bit higher than expected so this might be the best time to play as I might have to lower the odds accordingly.
    10k bet slots cost around 500 gp a day to run and 1k for the 25k bets. They will only be refilled when all crates are sold so the longer it takes to empty it, the less gains you'll get because of vendor fees.. this will take some adjustments after I see how long it takes for a slot to run out.
    I am repeating myself but.. I decided to run this project for fun but cannot afford losing on slots as the table themselves might take a big part of the casino funds. I was initially aiming at a 10-15% return but the fees might go thru it all.

    They will be up 24/7 from now on!

    I also had the chance to tests new dice games with fellow players and I am more and more excited with the project as everyone seems to be having a blast! Dice games now include: Blackjack, Beat the Bank, High / Low and Chuck! If you are interested in learning about the rules, books are available in the casino for you to go thru at anytime.

    Keep an eye on IRC as I might announce an open table now and then to run some more tests.

    See you around!
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    gitchu1000, Zylphie, Pekka and 5 others like this.
  2. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Love the layout!! The Cove Casino has basically been remodeled but we're wanting to do more of Gorilla based entertainment (selling tickets and such to the fights) and then most gambling will be on Rat Roulette. Will probably do an event soon when I can get around to doing so hah. If you want to do slots, I had a setup that was pretty neat that you can do if you wish. I never could really get it off the ground but perhaps you can find the right formula!

    My vote would be various risks and with this method you can use more than one box (I used 3). .
    I'll have to play around with it, but this is what it was from memory: 3 lockable chests stacked, locked with prizes inside, locked down, and the master key on a keyring locked down just in case you needed to open them for whatever reason. You make copies of those keys, and put them on a vendor with other dummy keys, like you could do an easy 1 / 10 dummy keys for a smaller prize, 1 / 20 keys for a slightly bigger prize, etc. I'll PM you the setup when I figure out how I did it before. The proper setup is basically thief proof as far as I know, but allows them to get their prize if they use the correct key.

    Also, I have a rare copy of Fast Eddie's dice games he used to run on the streets of Ocllo I can copy for you. He had a lot of neat dice games. We could bring some gorilla exhibition fights to your casino sometime, and you can do all the betting because i don't really have a good system for that yet haha.
  3. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    @PaddyOBrien Glad to hear it isn’t closed! I would love to hear about the dice games and would glady have your gorillas fight in our cage at some point! I have yet to take the time to think about the betting process of the animal fights but it will most likely be pretty straight forward. The holidays have been kinda frenetic! I was thinking to use summon creature as a way to keep some mystery on the outcome. It’s also entertaining as sometimes it can be pretty inexpected even with mixed species.

    I’ve seen your slot system on another shard before.. I didn’t go that way because I thought it wasn’t safe here.. couldn’t thieves just lockpick the chests?

    Also.. selling small crates ensure you can’t tell if the slot has paid off or not (wich is important if you want to make sure you get some gains).
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  4. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Basically you have a barrier between the chests like tables, and have them locked down, and locked by key. They can't be lockpicked unless someone can stand one tile right next to it. Can't be magic unlocked IF they are locked down. The system I had, i hid the keys that worked on the vendor with the dummy keys so if there was still an unlocked box, there was still a prize to be won.
    Medieval Name likes this.
  5. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Seeing as most tend to go for the various gains, I have officially opened the slots tonight!
    Vendor fees are a little bit higher than expected so this might be the best time to play as I might have to lower the odds accordingly.
    10k bet slots cost around 500 gp a day to run and 1k for the 25k bets. They will only be refilled when all crates are sold so the longer it takes to empty it, the less gains you'll get because of vendor fees.. this will take some adjustments after I see how long it takes for a slot to run out.
    I am repeating myself but.. I decided to run this project for fun but cannot afford losing on slots as the table themselves might take a big part of the casino funds. I was initially aiming at a 10-15% return but the fees might go thru it all.

    They will be up 24/7 from now on!

    I also had the chance to tests new dice games with fellow players and I am more and more excited with the project as everyone seems to be having a blast! Dice games now include: Blackjack, Beat the Bank, High / Low and Chuck! If you are interested in learning about the rules, books are available in the casino for you to go thru at anytime.

    Keep an eye on IRC as I might announce an open table now and then to run some more tests.

    See you around!
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  6. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Sadly, this method doesn't give any chance to the casino.. With vendor fees included, they are pretty expensive to run if not enough players play.
    Also, as I mentioned before.. the only way to make sure the bank doesn't lose too much money is to wait until all crates are sold..
    Unless of course the vendor fees end up getting higher than the expected gains. In that case, the whole system will need to be re-balanced.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  7. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Yeah I pulled the plug on mine because the vendor fees end up eating through any profits made. I believe there is a setup you can do with an actual character and macro but I've never tested it
  8. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Wouldn’t it be considered as afk gathering? I’ve thought about it.
  9. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    That's brilliant! I think you could do something like this:

    - have a character behind a table wall, with a locked down chest on it
    - have the character loop a macro which is something like:
    - dice macro would be something like:
    You could build in a house cut, etc.

    Of course you'd get griefed mercilessly by someone looking to boost kill counts, so you might have to have an alt somewhere with a ban macro to help limit that. But you could also mitigate against someone figuring out the system by only stocking the safe locked down chest with say 50k or 100k or something.

    There would be a few extra precautions against someone bringing their own dice to mess with things, but again the "risk" here is only what you put in the safe chest and nothing more. So it's entirely under control.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  10. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I have thought about automatizing everything but as I said, I assumed it’d be considered as afk gathering.. I’d have to ask the GMs.

    People couldn’t bring their own dice if you set the system message to fit the dealer’s name (player’s name is stated when you roll the dice).

    IF it is legal to do it, I wouldn’t take down the vendor slots but use it as an additional 24/7 game (as dice games are only available when there’s a dealer present right now).

    I calculated fees and it’s not that bad.. as long as the dozen crates are sold in a month, there’s still some profit. A lot less indeed but if people enjoy playing it, I don’t really care to break even.

    EDIT: I asked and it’s fine. I shall work on macros! Only problem is, I don’t think that would work with checks - limiting the bets and the amount one can play before having to run back to the bank.. so bets would pretty much be limited to 1k as carrying 10k is pretty heavy.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  11. compsays

    compsays Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Lovely idea. Will head over some time.
    Medieval Name and PaddyOBrien like this.
  12. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Just spent 2 hours coding it just to realize his budget can’t exceed 20k because the secure chest can’t hold more..
  13. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Oh well! Still a fun little game for those who want to gamble at small risk!
    It’s up and running if you want to check it out. Gold weight means I’ll have to refill and empty the bank often but oh well.

    Rules are explained in the book before him, go pay Jack a visit and let me know what you think!

    Merek Tybalt and PaddyOBrien like this.
  14. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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  15. Imbol

    Imbol Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Thank you for inviting me in! That was fun. The decor's on point, too!
    Medieval Name likes this.
  16. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
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    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    How so? YOU are providing the resources, not the server.

    Need to stop by and check it out!
    Medieval Name likes this.
  17. Surfrats

    Surfrats Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 17, 2017
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    This whole setup is amazing and I'm glad that Medi got it running. The amount of effort he has put into this has paid off.

    Played a few games last night. Even at 5k there was a nice element of happiness when two checks are thrown back in your face.
    Medieval Name likes this.
  18. Medieval Name

    Medieval Name Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Yeah, 5k is only for the testrun. Making sure I don't end up losing too much, on paper player has 44.44% chances of winning with the current rules. The snake eye rule might be removed after the testrun so if you want to make the most of it, I'd suggest hitting it now ;)

    When the testrun is over, what would y'all prefer as a general amount? I'm pretty sure I can code it to take different amounts, just need the funds hehe.

    So far I've lost 20k to Imbol, haha.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018

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