Dear UOR Community, I am delighted to host the next free resist spells session for the shard. This is a great time to get any and all characters to GM resisting spells for free. I especially encourage established players to pass the message in Occlo and to any new players you come across during your adventures. The event will be held at my personal residence by Vesper, so behave! The session will start as soon the server's Valentines event has come to a conclusion. The event will last for about 48 - 60 hours. Please, show up dead and walk to the green tile next to the healer and you will get resurrected. DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT wrestle or fight as you can kill fellow benefactors of the event. Training lore skills or healing is accepted and I will provide about 100k bandages for those that want to macro healing. I will see to get event Moongates setup that can take you to the location from Occlo, Skara Brae and Bucs Den (usual event gate locations). Failing that, just walk to Vesper you cant miss the keep! Please watch this space as I will insert the date and time as soon as we all know more about the Valentines event (hype!).
Will you have a guard outside your house to whack us dead? I think that is something Telamon provides to Ariadne's fresist events (the only ones I have attended thus far).
Staff has always been supportive of these events by providing the Green Gates and a Guard. I see no reason why they would not continue that practice. Worse case, I am sure some of the PKs who frequent Ocllo and Kill crafters wouldn't mind stopping by for some free kills
Yes, keep is right from the guard zone. I tested the other day if i could get guard whacked ON my keep. Turns out that if i flame arrow a random walking by towards vesper, i will get owned in my own home...
Looking forward to this! P.S. I think you mean 'beneficiaries' of the event. The 'benefactors' are you, the casters and the resurrector.
Mon 19 Feb 2018, 11:54 GMT Love the deco. All 3 fishermen dead in the resist church and waiting for a rez.
FYI - soundtrack to the resist session: Please turn off light filter in Razor and turn on dark nights in UO client options for the event!