South of Trinsic sb - 100k bo - 500k auction ends 24 hours after last bid I've used this house to gm bard skills many times.
ok, I'll sell it to him. I have no beef, just don't like the guy cause he spent his existence on uor trying to step on my nuts (that makes you sad and me sad)
I have no idea who the last two posters(posers) are. personalities insignificant. Sometime today I will transfer the house to cockhugger for a 100k check.
There will be no resolution. He’s actually 98% right. 98% of my forum existence is to piss him off. The other 2% is to buy things. The other 1% with a variance of 1% is to be constructive.
... and to think, if both of these fellahs were in positions of power, there'd be 1000's of men and women willing to kill each other over this spat. Years of slaughter. A new generation would be born into the fray knowing they hate their enemy but aren't sure why. I wonder who'd run the better propaganda machine?