Here is the thing most of the time we are just searching for each other. Once we locate another group it's mainly all out battles on blues/reds/factioners pvm people are just innocent bystanders who get caught in the middle
I understand completely where you guys are coming from and I do appreciate all the feedback. Who knows what the future holds... ....but I know I’m not a CoM Stain. #MakeFactionsGreatAgain
As an aside: What's a sync dump? On-topic: I might be into this. When I'd joined, I thought that this server had some folks playing without Razor. But, seems not. I get the feeling that I'm the only person on the server that plays that way. I have my feelings about that, but I'll probably just give up the naturalist playstyle and start using Razor soon. As much as I don't want to, I'll at least be able to PvP.
When multiple people synchronize a spell “dump” on a single player. It’s generally fatal as the spells will land all at once (ex, stacking 4 explosions). From what I understand trying to macro PvP will just get you killed. Really you just need hotkeys.
My experience has been that it's not been 'macroing PvP' or any one function that's created imbalance as it's been the number of small changes provided by Razor that aren't replicable (to my knowledge, admittedly) by a standalone client. Equipping weapons comes to mind. But there's more, yet. *shrug* In any case, I think I'll pick it up and try to learn it soon. It's an unfortunate thing (and I'm doing it begrudgingly grr)... but, at least it'll be useful in that I could optimize stuff like the rest of folks.
Downright UNAMERICAN!!!, Find the real 15 star flag George Washington served under here: The Star-Spangled Banner, 15 stars and 15 stripes...
Dunno what this "America" is but that flag sir is THE Merican flag. When you cast your unworthy eyes upon is as an outsider, the only way to redeem yourself is to splendidly sing our anthem. I'm gonna rise up, Im gonna kick a little ass, I'm gonna drive a big truck, and I'm gonna kick a little ass round here today. I'm gonna fly on an eagle. ROCK, FLAG, AND EAGLEEEEEEEEE!
Fair -- and people don't need performance-enhancing drugs to compete at the professional level, but this statement has little bearing on the reality concering those who do (or the obvious benefits of said drugs).
I feel like you’re doing too much. Lol I can’t think of anything you’d want to use razor for other than a dress agent to equip a weapon if someone disarms you or you’re hybrid mage/dexxer. You don’t want to try and auto-macro heals, that’s a good way to die. Lol
I've always felt a highly organized guild with rankings and such would be fun but in order to do that we'd need guildstone changes to actually come about so babysitting the guildies doesn't fall to the guildmaster alone lol, but that's probably on the back-back-back burner at this point.
I have seen you in almost all pvp posts in the past 2 years I have been here but never on the field. I always wondered if you were any good at all or just asserting expertise based on a cache of ignorance.
I see. Razor makes a negligible difference... ... which is why nearly all of this server's population uses it.