@JimmyTheHand I agree that prompts would be annoying, especially considering 3 Razor windows opened at once. It could be a toggle (checkbox) + some warning indicator (e.g. red message) in macro window when you edited a macro through Razor but have not saved it. I really think that toggle is the easiest solution to my problem, both from user and dev perspective. But I want to reiterate that current auto-save functionality is VERY frustrating when you run multiple Razor instances (which most people here do).
Yeah, I'm not quite sure either. There already is a Save button (in the right-click context menu) and I don't want someone to uncheck auto-save, then forget, and lose macros either. It would probably have to be a checkbox that doesn't save and resets itself after 15 min or something.
When I talk about making some UI changes to make things slightly more spaced out, this is what I'm referring to. What do you all think? Is this too much, is this not needed? I'm trying to keep the same look and feel that we're all used to, just hoping to clean it up a bit. NOTE: UI is still a WIP, these are just some proof of concepts.
Short term, I'll probably just add some of the more common ones. Deer and bulls among those. Long term, it can probably be made into an list you can edit yourself to add/remove what you don't want to hear.
Lots of great ideas on this thread! I would love to have something that stores AbsoluteTarget values to a particular profile so that I don't have to re-do all of my absolute targets (or create multiple copies of the same macro) every time I login with a different character that uses the same macro as another character.
So, say you have a recall macro with absolute target as your rune. Instead of having X number of macros for each character, 1 macro but absolute target is per profile. Interesting, I'll add it to the list.
I simply have multiple macros for this situation, which fits with having macro groups. Maybe this is just preference. [JimmyGroup] -OhShitJimmy [OtherGroup] -OhShitOther Some per profile stuff could definitely be nifty. Having the macros change per profile sounds like it could be a bit funky to write, maybe just copy all macros to a profile group when creating a new profile. Then just load up the macros/groups from that associated profile folder. UI wise it'd have the desired effect, but behind the scenes it's just macro groups.
Pfft! Deer whining is the defining sound of Christmas! Love the deer Larloch... love the deer! But yeah, seriously; a filter option for all available noises would be an awesome feature. @Quick Expanding on this; The auditory cue of someone else's footsteps is great, but damn the self footsteps are frustrating. I'm not sure if it'd be doable, but a filter for your own footsteps, as well as another for everyone else's. Maybe two toggles "Own Footsteps" and "All Footsteps". There will likely be an issue with it being the same audio file(s), so simply switching it off wouldn't work. Possibly some type of check, or maybe it could be disabled for client movement input. Code: ClientMove(bool footsteps) If(footsteps) PlayFootsteps() This might be beyond the capability of Razor, as well as it adds in a check for every movement action. I dunno, implementation could be a bitch, it depends on how the client and razor deals with audio. I should take a better look at the code at some point.
I haven't put too much thought into it, but I could imagine something where AbsoluteTargets, when set, get put into some sort of index. For example, you edit your "Recall-Ocllo" macro. After you set target, something is saved like this: Code: Quick,Recall-Ocllo,0x12345678 Then I log in with JoeBlow, edit that macro and change the AbsoluteTarget. Now, that index file would contain: Code: Quick,Recall-Ocllo,0x12345678 JoeBlow,Recall-Ocllo,0xABCDEFG Now, when you run "Recall-Ocllo", when it hits the AbsoluteTarget line, it will look at this index file, if it finds one, it will replace the AbsoluteTarget in the macro with whatever value is set in this index. Then it's a simple replace when it runs. Anyway, just a thought.
Yeah, I'd have to look into that. Right now, how the filter option works, you setup a filter that references the values of those sounds. For example, if you open up InsideUO and go to the dog sounds, you will see the range from 0x85 to 0x89. So, Razor then inits a SoundFilter using those values. Code: Filter.Register( new SoundFilter( LocString.DogSounds, GetRange( 0x85, 0x89 ) ) ); One issue I have is some of these works, and some don't. It's something I'm looking into. Luckily the dog, cat, weather and bard one works.
+1! This would take Razor to a new level of convenience without affecting in-game balance at all. @Quick many other assistant programs have an "Objects" tab where you can essentially declare variables that can be referenced by name from scripts. For example, you could declare a variable "Escape rune" in every Razor profile you have and point it to different runes for different characters, then all characters can use the same escape recall macro without duplicating it. Haha, I haven't noticed that you already provided the same example:
Seems a decent idea. Could the index get so large over time that it causes a delay in the lookup? Likely not, but worth testing for. Ah, yeah, so that seems like it will run in to the issue of the audio reference being the same for all footsteps. Which means there'd have to be a check as to what is causing the sound to play, which is where the funkery will come in no doubt. Keep up the good work!
I got over a major hurdle today, Force Game Size and displaying icons in the titlebar with your counters now work. I can now finish up some of the remaining items and get a beta release out on GitHub.
@Quick is doing some great work here guys. I've never been able to force game size, regardless of what guide or method I used. His discovery of why its broken in that latest version of razor also fixed my problem in the one most of us use. Keep it up!
1) I wonder if @Quick and some other people here are using the latest version: That version already fixed UOAM and force size issues and can be found here: http://www.uogdemise.com/razor/ 2) Wish list: - When changing razor profiles between profiles that have different game sizes set, let the forced game size update. Right now, when I change my toons, the game size is not updating and stays at the value of the previously used profile. I have to close Razor and start it new. - More than one UseOnce Agent. - More Scavenger agents! - More Restock agents. - While we are at it: More organizer agents. *ugly face* - A posibility to change the value of hit points or relative hit points that either triggers small heals or large heals when using the casting hotkey: Heal/Cure. I'd prefer a gheal sometimes and only trigger the small heal, although I am at 70hp or so. - A time counter that triggers when activating certain choosable skills. Not just a bandage timer that is already possible right now.