When walking into an inn or a house where you can insta-log, add a buff similar to the beneficial spell cooldown debuff, that shows you can insta-log.
I see what you're saying. An icon on the buff bar indicating that you're in an area where you can instantly log out. That's actually not a bad idea at all. Good thinking! This could extend to houses of your own, and those you are friended or co-owner.
Not sure an icon/buff would be the best choice. A simpler implementation and keeping in line with era/shard would be a message similar to what we get when a camp becomes secure.
Keeping in era doesn't seem to be the goal of this server. It more seems to be a pre-aos game world evolved in a manner different than EA did. We get a buff icon when a beneficial spell wears off, adding the icon whenever the system deems your character able to instantly log out, would be much like that. This would put an end to having to log out, try to log a different character in and be told another character is still logged in. This can happen and take 4 or 5 attempts, logging in 1st character, leaving the inn, then walking back in, then logging out and back in on 2nd character. To be able to walk in and out of the inn until the buff kicks in and getting a visual of that, would be great in stopping this frustrating issue. This is after all, UO perfected.
Oookaay then... Let me rephrase. A buff icon is silly. Its not a buff and has no place there. Utilizing an existing system that performs an almost identical function (letting you know when you can insta logout at a camp) is more appropriate and keeping inline with the current state of UOR. +1 for the idea though.
Buff icons are status indicators, is hidden a buff? You get an icon when your hidden, what about meditation, you get a buff icon when you med... So you're wrong Jimmy...
@DaemonOfSiege Geez you really do come off as abrasive in your posts on this forum. You keep saying buff, but now it's a status indicator. Meditation buffs your mana regen, hiding makes you invisible, as well as buffs your ability to avoid being tracked. So technically, yep. Everything on that bar is a buff or debuff. I can do this all day. Anyway, is there something wrong with using the text system like the camping insta-logout already uses? Its a tried and tested system for this exact purpose. Or are you just trolling? Look forward to your thoughts
I'm quite serious. If you want a feature for this it's far more likely that the text cue is utilized (like it currently is for camping) than any other options. So, is there a specific problem with that?
Ok great. +1 for text prompt notifying player that safe/insta logout is possible/active at the player position. Probably only for taverns/inns, inside houses would get annoying.