What? I don't see where the irony is? No ones selling a fort that I want to buy. That's not irony. If I go into a a record store to get a specific rare record and they don't have it...that's not irony. That's just unfortunate.
For those who were wondering, my logging in with a couple of minutes to spare was pure luck. I had been on vacation and completely forgot this game existed.
Hate? No way hombre, I don't hate anyone here, this is a fun game, the second you bring in emotions like hate you've lost IMO. Like I said in another post, the hustle is what I enjoy about this game, there's no hate here at all! I'm legit, trying to benefit the guy (and of course myself) by buying his pixels in a game that he by his own admission "had forgotten existed" you don't lose golden cheques when you don't log in for 2 weeks I'm an active player looking to pick up some primo real estate to do some cool shit with - in my post you've quoted, what I was hoping to do was get in contact with an inactive player, who has a fort that's not being used and was minutes away from collapsing with hardly anything in it and buy it. That's all dude! No hate!
I believe he's saying that when I had my other account I was a nice hate free dude Where you been Air?? I've missed you.
I just wanted to get my 2 seconds of fame on this thread, just messing with ya. I've been making sammiches great again bro, #MSGA Hope all is well!
I think your new profile matches well with how you wanted to change up you gamestyle bud, keep on keepin on! FREE BUMP GET THIS MAN HIS FORT EDIT: I think the amount of unused forts/keeps is unreal. Especially people that have had one since 2013 only to refresh and not play... That IMO proves somethings wrong with housing. I still personally think it should be 1 house per account. But whatever aint my shard!
I'm not looking for a fort no mo' I've talked to so, so many fort owners, none of y'all want to sell. I Hear ya. Between the: "No I'm gonna wait till CUB comes out and sell it for more" "No I'm just gonna refresh it till house prices go back up" "No It's not mine, I'm just refreshing it for a friend who quit 1,2,3 years ago" "No I might start playing again" & my personal favourite: "No I don't want anyone living next to my other fort" Don't sweat it fort owners, the only person actively & publicly looking for a fort is now, no longer looking, your cobwebbed pixels can live to be refreshed another cycle.
That's a shame man. # 1 and # 2 is laughable and sad at the same time, #3 is just downright infuriating. One of the main reasons we need condemned status.
you're too picky and too hasty. You just picked some fort owner and started harassing him to sell his fort lol. You could just create a list of fort owners and start from number 1 and go in random order of 1.
No longer looking. I'll accept picky dude, I don't want to live on ice or in the swamp, theres a reason ice and swamp spots go for significantly less with anything under a keep selling for deed in swamps and maybe Ice going for a 100k more than deed. Hasty though? Na, I been waiting for a fort to come up for a while, got bored waiting, decided to be proactive and 2 weeks later I've just lopped it off as its just not happening right now. And I did actually do something similar to what you're saying, I got the 89 fort locations off the UOAM house list, went to all the forts not in the swamps or on ice, found the owners where I could via names on signs, asking around or from guild stones, named trophies or looking up who sold what to whom on the forums and when and have hit up a LOT of people, yourself included dude, right? Obviously there's a bunch of cats that would have slipped through the nets, owners I couldn't find, people that don't play any more but still own the spot thats getting refreshed by friends, but between my in game searching and this post I'm fairly confident I've done a lot of work and hustling tryna catch a fort the last month. to no avail. I'm not salty, I get it, no one wants to sell right now, and I'm not looking to pay 30 mil for Stavs fort or 40-45 for Labelers. So, I'ma just stop looking and enjoy doing something else for a while instead! It's all fun, its all cool! Thanks for everyone who helped me out and hooked me up with info, alla y'all MVP's!
Don't give up. If anything, I've found that persistence pays off, especially in UOR. Be the guy that folks know is looking for a fort so when they hear about one, they'll think of you. Good luck on the hunt!