Telekinesis is supposed to be able to open bags, corpses, etc. On this shard telekinesis doesn't do anything. Would this be hard to fix?
Telekinesis does the same as double clicking, however if you are too far to view the contents of a container (corpse) it will not show you. Its uses here are most often used to open a trapped chest at a safe distance to trigger trap, such as treasure maps, or trapped chests in some instances, and while lockpicking in a dungeon (however this can also just be done from 2 tiles away). Other uses for Telekinesis here is opening a door from afar. That is about it! Don't believe that it ever allowed you to access containers from afar in era (or any era that im aware of), someone correct me if I am wrong.
On The Second Age shard it worked to let you see inside the containers you opened. And that shard completely worshiped the idea of era accuracy. Also, see this link:
It doesn't matter how far you are. This server won't let you open a corpse even if you're standing right on top of it. Stop arguing with me and admit that it's a glitch.
On the Second Age, you could use it from a distance, and you could use it to help with piracy. On this server, you can't use it from any distance. I don't agree with the "two tile" rule announced above, but the point is even two tiles would be way better than what we have now. Right now the spell is broken. Between this broken spell, and the broken Tracking skill, it is near impossible to pirate on this server.
I used back in the day it in houses sometimes, to open a far-away locked (but not secured) container, to see what was inside. Sometimes you just want to know what's inside a 20,000 stone container You could also ninja-shut a door from across the room, which was fun back in the day before everyone had UO Assist/Razor and had doors open automatically for them. I never used it on corpses, but makes sense it would work on them like it does on other containers. EDIT: also dibs on the bug-finder reward for this one, if it ever gets fixed EDIT EDIT: 2001 is the furthest I can find a valid archive of this stratics page:
Second @Dalavar I use it in UO for years to see what was in a corpse surrounded by monsters, open door from a distance, and a lot of other things. It was basically a long range double click, and it even worked for snooping. I'm not sure when the "permissions" were added to UO houses, if it was UOR or after that, but prior to it you could eat food locked down in someone's home. Basically, anything locked down was usable. We used to use telekenesis to eat people's locked down rares they put behind table walls.
Chris mentioned in a prior thread that it was intentional due to Renaissance era mechanics, but as mentioned here, I am not sure that's correct. Also, wild guess, but I'm guessing it would be a pain in the nuts to test and ensure any updated functionality is exploit-free.
If Chris wants any pirates on his high seas, he'd better make the spell era accurate. If he wants a Trammel server, keep it as is.