@OptimisticSam i wasn't there but from what I heard, PwN scouted SoF doing a baracoon champ at deceit, and then pushed them off it when the boss came. Karr got this rare drop during the boss kill.
I just love that a baracoon was even raided. Such a trash champ with a near worthless skull, but everyones dislike of SoF is so great its like, meh why not deny them a baracoon for the lols. The flute was just some delicious icing on an otherwise tasty cake.
Believe it or not, we do what we do for fun. We don’t have to profit from something to consider doing it. If we have a few guys on we’ll do whatever. As you saw earlier in the week, 5 guys doing a horrower in the afternoon. I think you are taking things awfully personal, don’t lose what’s left of your hair over it.
To be fair, i genuinely dont think that el horno is taking this personal at all. He's having fun as much as the next guy in this virtual world
Getting pushed off a baracoon champ and giving a rare boss drop to your enemies.. sounds like your having a ton of fun hahaha. BTW we also ran some afternoon harrowers this week, only difference is ours went off like clockwork and on yours you lost the majority of the harrower plat. *raises a goblet of mead* HERE HERE! May the fun times continue!