I love when @Orange blows a gasket and goes all crazy. I also enjoy his old forum name. The new one sucks @SandyRavage.. Might be time for another UO time out for this guy. I also love waking up to a thread like this! Viva la OU:R
Stop making this whole "deleting character" out as the worst possible thing there @Nose Goblin . characters are quickly rebuild and pretty cheap to to do. The costs in making 7x characters is dwarfed by all the lovely loot that CPU took numerous times from people's homes. You know? Hiding a gank squad by door, rushing and killing the homeowner? Not saying that house looting is the worst character trait here, I actually think it's awesome that nowhere is safe, but get off your high horse now.
You are one of the weirdest people on this server dude. Ive seen you lie and make stuff up soo many times, spin things, claim werird things, power trip on people. It does not suprise me you were banned. If you only rez kill and mount kill scammers, you should definately just rez kill and mount kill yourself.
Your certainly entitled to your opinion. Do I look banned? Nope. Did you watch me DJ a few times? Spinning them mad ass recordz d00d? Or was it spinning like this?
Boohoo another chump white knighting. Tell me how does it feel to know you only have 2 choices when a pvper comes on your screen? Recall out or die. It must be hard.
Lol posting pitcures of me be killed is silly AF. I have to be at least be tied for worst pvper on the server. @Rad your autism reference is shitty. Grow up man. Finally you guys res killed the shit out of me in front of Destard. You don't hear me crying about it.
Clearly, you're blind to the point of all of this. It's not about it being cheap to rebuild characters, it's about crossing a line and taking this game to a personal level. Deleting someones characters is not only childish and callow, but those who defend these actions are equally as pathetic of a person. I'm glad to know you showed your hand, think this is a perfectly fine thing to do and are now displayed to all as a total piece of shit.
@abox, in all fairness we didnt res kill you.. i wanted too but Merlin asked that we leave you alone.. (seriously) @Nose Goblin, thank you for the cyber lessons on whats morally right and wrong. I hope you're not late for church this morning - no UO on Sunday mornings! @Evil Dead post all of the videos! Lot's of fun times.. I don't care post where you spanked us 4v4 at ice.. but also post some of us spanking you.. I know you got em. Would love to see that courtyard shit or outside of Destard stuff.
i remember seeing him looting his corpse for 10 minutes and someone tossed him band-aids to res his mount. we aint so bad.
@NerK lol...if I would have ressed that horse with those bandaids you know you would have just killed it again. I totally believe Merlin told you guys not to but 3 different guys did it. At any rate I don't care. Merlin and I are just fine. After the first fight in Cove after he killed me he and Alf were fighting back and forth and I am standing there farming haha. Its all good.
@Thelax still hasn't commented on whether or not it's true he deleted characters. GM question dodger.