I dump stuff on the floor all the time, 'specially in the OC. One homies trash is another homies treasure, getting a dope weapon like a +10 tactics force kat when your new and out hustlin' is legit. Either that or I sell packs o crap to npc's I'm not playin the cub stash game till cubs in full swing.
I like the idea of public CuB barrels.. not in cities though, maybe in the middle of the forest or a dungeon. Now that could get interesting...
@Chris I have a request for a staff service that can be paid for with copper coins if it is feasible to code - the ability to transfer a house to another character without wiping the friends or co-owner's list. It's a pain to have to re-build the lists.
What is the proper way to contact staff regarding the use of said copper? - does the paging system in game actually work? - does a person contact forums people with the red names and send them a message? - does a person have to join irc to get things accomplished? - wait times are expected, thats understandable.
I know extra chars slots aren't ready yet but that's really what I want to spend my copper on. I really hate having to tear apart characters I use just to make chars for holiday events!
Thats good to know. Thanks @Ahirman what about character transfers? that should be a fairly simple one. I have deleted my dudes to make room. I just dont feel like rolling a tamer/mage when i had one already that i can't access, nor wish to manage multiple accounts.
There are character transfer deeds floating in the ether but paging a GM is going to be your best bet. They'll have all the answers for you bud and can do it there and then if all the i's are dotted and T's crossed.
Character transfers are already live and I have done it. If you have copper coins in your account, page from the account that contains copper coins. Then just put account name and character name from->account name to. If Telamon is around/available at the moment it will be really, really fast. Like in a matter of minutes. If he is not around...it might be a while.
alright, thanks guys. I guess i'll queue up the request and just macro some fishing. See if AFK strats work. I have attempted while in game, attended, and attempted on forums, though i didnt know character slots werent a thing yet so my request may have been filed under (not yet). After reading this I see I may have given insufficient information. Or people are busy. (edit) * Irc worked like a charm. Thanks.
There's a lot of information here and I don't have time to read through it all but how do you craft a copper barrel trash can?
Clean Up Britannia - 1 to 100 Coins Per Item Some highlights of the Clean Up Britannia System Players will be able to craft a special barrel that can be locked down in their house to use for various house cleaning activities How does a player craft the special barrel?