While doing my morning BOD run, I noticed a bot named 'bora' at Occlo Blacksmith spamming the information for what appears to be some inferior Renaissance-based shard. I reported it, but didn't have enough time before leaving for work to stick it out and get a reply. I'm assuming there must be others across other towns in the world - if you see something - say something! Let's get these player-hijacking mofos dafuq out of our home! UO:R FOREVER!
I've heard some players have been testing out another shard. They've been exploiting on this shard recently, so this may be their way of getting banned before leaving? Either way, it's scummy and hopefully more report this behavior.
@Nose Goblin Don’t be mad just because they can kill you while you are afk in the middle of your keep. It’s game mechanics......and super duper smart play. Yes I just dropped a super duper up in here.
@Raajaton I’m sure you already did this but any thing you see if this nature should be immediately reported to @Chris
I sent a page in-game as soon as I saw it. I was on my way out the door to go to work so I didn't have the opportunity to ping him in IRC, though I figured the in-game report would be seen by at least one of the staff members.
Good work. Something like that probably warrants an irc message as well too if your time permits. Good job finding it !