I see the thumbnail links for UOGateway.... what happened to the other one? * turns mozilla over and bangs it on the floor * This damn thing broke again?
LOL Yeah.... no. Sorry buddy but unless you get whoever runs that site to fix the obvious BS going on there, I ain't gonna click no more buttons.
Yeah, those numbers are BS but it gives visibility to the shard, is better than nothing. I know ppl that check those sites to pick a shard to play.
If I remember correctly, I believe I had read on a uo reddit thread that one of the server owners had bought one or both of those sites a while back and not by an honest individual either. Perhaps @Chris can shed some light if he has any knowledge on it. Pretty sure I remember what server it was (and not the first one that would come to most minds) but for obvious reasons, not gonna post the name on a uor thread.
I think the best course of action is just continually vote. Ignore cheaters be the best “us” that we can be here in UOR
I agree that we should vote, sure there's some cheaters.. however anyone who'd look at UO Gateway would catch on to that BS. I think we just need to be ahead of Hybrid and we'll be golden.