A Mournful Missive

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    My friends and citizens of the Renaissance Realm, I have been away far too long. How I wish that cause for this missive were to be a grand proclamation of a joyous return. Alas it is with heavy heart that I report news that one of our dearest friends, Lord Krake, has embarked on that great and last journey.

    Lord Paramont he was, supreme above all other great leaders within our community. He left his Mark in this realm, and the Mark he left in the world we outside will never be forgotten. He kept the lanterns lit within our hearts, and never ceased to be a light to all who would seek shelter from the dreary darkness of the unknown. “Fear not” that much I can say, is how I will remember him.
    “Fear not, as I depart beyond, I’ll be there waiting, it shan’t be long.”
    “Fear not, I shall only be at the road ahead, waiting for my friends.”
    “Fear not, dear friends. Live, love, and laugh, as I have done.”

    Brother to so many of us, father of The Sanctuary. He inspired such great events; grand hunts, games of mystery, and many a serendipitous happenstance. Our archives are full of so many of his great adventures. May our memories of this man ever remain within our hearts.

    Farewell Lord Paramont Krake.
    Fullmetal, Gravel, eherruh and 26 others like this.
  2. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    Hear hear!!

    Farewell Lord Krake!!! A true and knightly gentleman!!
  3. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    Truly awful news
    Azerothian, One and Jupiter like this.
  4. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    @Jupiter if he's passed, it would only be fitting if you led a funeral procession or some sort of ceremony for him.
    Azerothian and Jupiter like this.
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Dear Paddy and Esteemed self-proclaimed Mayor of Cove. I think I plan to do just that. I have heard that his real life memorial will be live streamed on YouTube around 11 am CST this Saturday. I know it is short notice but I will plan to organize the funeral march approximately 1 hour before in time to conclude for the live stream.

    Project Sanctuary will be the meeting place.

    Azerothian, Valrick, One and 3 others like this.
  6. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    To all who would like to attend.

    I have made arrangements in my schedule and I shall be able to conduct the Funeral March at 9 AM CST (8 AM MST, 10 AM EST)

    Please meet at Project Sanctuary Guild area. I will have a place set up in the fields behind the Guild Keep underneath Krake's favored Trees.

    If you knew Lord Krake, if you attended a Hard Mode Hunt, or if you feel so inclined you are welcome to join.

    Note that this will be an open world event. Please come only with items on your character you are ok losing. I do not expect a lot of trouble, but I will not be asking for GM intercession as per my normal protocol. I will ask that all who choose to attend do so in memory of a great friend.

    See you all tomorrow 'neath the Sanctuary Tree

    - Jupiter
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
  7. Krothu

    Krothu Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2013
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    I am trying to muster orcs of the Bloodrock Clan to be present to pay homage to a fallen player that was an honored enemy as well as an asset to the shard. On a personal note while i never met him personally ive had many ingame interactions with him and my heart is heavy that hes gone. He WILL be missed. Nooggrraahh Lord Krake *bumps fist into chest*
  8. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Although I never had the privilege to play with him or take part in any of the events that he has sponsored, I have heard about them. In fact, one of the things that brought me to this shard were some videos that were uploaded to Youtube showcasing one of the player run events that he put together.

    My condolences to all who were close to him.
    Azerothian and Jupiter like this.
  9. Ragar

    Ragar Active Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I'm sorry to hear this news. I will be there.
  10. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Fullmetal, Vandalin, eherruh and 10 others like this.
  11. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Jupiter likes this.
  12. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    I never got to play directly with Krake outside of maybe one or two Hard Mode Hunts... I know he was a well revered person in P'S, and it's never good news to hear a great one go.... @Jupiter thank you for informing everyone.

    @Chris or @Treasureman should be able to construct a memorial for him at the UO:R cemetary.

    Life is precious, everyone. Appreciate the important people in your lives.
  13. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  14. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    The general welcome and gathering for the processing will be at the field shown below, which is just North West of the Project Sanctuary Keep.
    The Welcoming and general introduction will begin promptly at 8:00 AM MST (9 AM CST, 10 AM EST)

    I ask all who plan to attend to make sure you are able to arrive in advance. If there are any volunteers who would like to help fetch folks, I would be most grateful.

    I will open an IRC channel #KrakeMemorial where folks can join, but not that I will have minimal attention to that channel once the procession begins.

    I ask request in advance all attendees to keep the peace during the procession. We will have orcs there, and perhaps various other characters who my have "red" notoriety status in-game. So long as they are in attendance to honor our friend, please do not attack.

    Also after the conclusion of the in game funeral march, there will be a live memorial. Thanks @MikeK for helping us get the details and setting this up!
    You can view the live memorial at waiteparkchurch.org or on YouTube.com/waiteparkchurch. Saturday 11 am U.S. Central time (10 AM MST, 12 PM EST)

    We will aim to end promptly by 10 AM CST (9 AM MST, 11 AM EST) so that those who wish to attend the live memorial will have time to arrive.
  15. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    I so wish I could attend this march, but it will be impossible for me. I knew Krake little, but enough to know he was an awesome human being. I will try to watch on youtube and will most definitely have him in my thoughts at that time.
  16. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Somehow OBS Studio stopped recording. In the 2nd video (this one) I tried to scroll up in my journal to try and capture most of it. Fortunately someone sent me the text from the UO client log which I have posted here: https://pastebin.com/fXLgycEH

    Until we meet again, rest in peace Lord Krake.

    Text of funeral:

    Jupiter: alright we will begin
    Jupiter: thank you PS Primes
    Jupiter: for letting us host this memorial
    Jupiter: in the fields of the Sanctuary
    Jupiter: Friends. Welcome to the memorial march in honor of our fallen brother,
    Jupiter: Lord Paramount Krake Vestahl.
    Jupiter: During this morning's procession, I ask all in attendance to honor our friend's
    Jupiter: memory and do not allow any potential disruptions nor any of my many
    Jupiter: ineptitudes mar your memory of this occassion.
    Jupiter: We shall open this meeting with a few words of memory from the congregation.
    Jupiter: Those who wish to share, will be invited to come stand and share a brief thought
    Jupiter: After which, I shall endeavor to lead you all on a journey
    Jupiter: to all of the shrines of Virtue within this realm.
    Jupiter: At each shrine, I will ask the Sapphire Maiden to offer a blessing
    Jupiter: in memory of our friend Lord Krake.
    Jupiter: I will take this moment to share my thoughts
    Jupiter: Lord Krake and I had the pleasure of planning many events together
    Jupiter: I learned to find joy in this game and in life
    Jupiter: not by what I could gather or gain, but by what I could share
    Jupiter: This I learned from Krake, and will take with me to the silver shores
    Jupiter: He was a great man, and I will miss hiim greatly.
    Jupiter: *bows solemnly*
    Jupiter: Now, if you wish to share a thought, I turn the time over to you.
    Jupiter: When you do come up, please do so in an orderly fashion.
    Cortland VoP: I'll speak about Lord krake
    Jupiter: If there is more than one person at once, please line up by the gues book
    Jupiter: to my left
    Jupiter: Please come take the podium
    Jupiter: *nods*
    Cortland VoP: Thank you Jupiter
    Cortland VoP: Lord Krake was our brother at Paws
    Cortland VoP: but he was better, because he took the spirit of Paws
    Cortland VoP: out into the world and he invited the young and new
    Cortland VoP: and made Project Santuary
    Cortland VoP: and for that we thank him
    Jupiter: *nods solemly*
    Cortland VoP: and I'd say it was in the spirit of Christ
    Cortland VoP: we pray for your family Krake in their time of mourning
    Cortland VoP: and thank you for being our friend
    Road Runner: Hear Hear
    Cronos: Cheers
    Doctor S: Thank you.
    Doctor S: Thank everyone for coming today, and showing your appreciation
    Doctor S: for our friend Krake
    You see: Tiamat
    You see: Tiamat
    Doctor S: I had the luck to meet Krake about four years ago
    Paddy O'Brien: *looks at packhorse*
    Doctor S: This was a great experience for my life and my virtual life
    Doctor S: Krake was a man who did not judge a book by his cover
    Doctor S: it did not matter what your name was
    Ragar Truesword: *hands program*
    Doctor S: it did not matter where your roots were
    Doctor S: he welcomed anyone and gave them an honest chance
    Doctor S: and that opened a world of possibilities
    Doctor S: you never found elsewhere in this type of realm
    Doctor S: He remained true to his character and virtue
    Doctor S: and demonstrated it was about the experience and the ride
    Doctor S: and the end result. but his results always were aimed true
    Doctor S: this place is better for him
    Doctor S: and I know I am better from him
    Road Runner: Hear Hear
    Cortland VoP: you say true
    Bloodlust: thank you
    Bloodlust: all guests and friends of Lord Krake
    Bloodlust: Our Lord Krake
    Bloodlust: was always the best friend and the true leader in this world.
    Bloodlust: I can still remember his very first warm welcome on me
    Bloodlust: and shortly after, all my suspiciousness on whether we can
    Bloodlust: make great relationship via online or not.
    Bloodlust: and I believe he will organanize another great community
    Bloodlust: and do same good things up on there.
    Jupiter: *nods solemly*
    Bloodlust: Rest in peace Lord Krake
    Bloodlust: thank you
    Road Runner: Hear Hear
    Vortex: Rest in Peace Lord Krake
    Leopold: Rest in peace Lord Krake
    Tiamat: I would like to share a brief word
    Jupiter: *nods*
    Tiamat: Greetings all
    Road Runner: Greetings
    Cronos: sir
    Tiamat: I was very saddened to hear the new of Lord Krake's passing
    Tiamat: However he has moved on to a brighter place
    Tiamat: He was a pillar of the UOR community
    Tiamat: Not only what was said here
    Tiamat: But the things he did
    Tiamat: unknown to most
    Tiamat: He is a blessed soul
    Tiamat: and we were lucky
    Tiamat: to have his presence here
    Tiamat: and forever
    Tiamat: Since his mark
    Tiamat: on many
    Tiamat: will never be forgottenn
    Road Runner: Hear Hear
    Jupiter: we welcome more to come up
    Jupiter: we will conclude
    Jupiter: the talks
    Krothu: *raises paw*
    Jupiter: at half pastth ehour
    Road Runner: *hic*
    Altaira: Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate Lord Krake's life
    Altaira: and mourn his passing
    Altaira: Krake was one of the most benevolent people I have ever had the pleasure of
    Altaira: meeting. Everything he did was about having fun while being caring and
    Altaira: considerate
    Altaira: He loved this server and Project Sanctuary.
    Altaira: Even on his bad days he would show up at the guild hall ready to plan
    Altaira: his next quest.
    Altaira: My fondest memories on here have always beeen sitting around and chatting
    Altaira: after our adventures.
    Jupiter: *beams*
    Altaira: I have come to respect Krake immensely and am heart broken over his passing.
    Altaira: I wish I had gotten to spend more time with him, but am thankful
    Altaira: for having the priviledge of knowing him.
    Zyler: *smiles at a fond memory*
    Altaira: Im sorry you had to go on this last adventure without us Lord Krake.
    Altaira: Save a seat at your table for me, I;ll see you again my friend, and God Bless.
    DOC: amen
    Jupiter: amen
    Road Runner: Amen
    Charlie Bronson: *Amen*
    Zyler: Amen
    Cronos: Amen
    Bloodlust: amen
    Tiamat: Amen
    Paddy O'Brien: Amen
    Vortex: Amen
    Tiamat: I must depart Lord Jupiter
    Jupiter: alright
    Jupiter: We shall commence on our march
    Jupiter: I will gate us to each shrine
    Jupiter: or near it
    Doctor S: *collects guest book*
    Jupiter: and we will march to each one
    Jupiter: if you will all gather around the shrines
    Jupiter: when we arrive
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
  17. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Oh the guest book! I'm glad somebody collected that before it despawned! I had forgotten about that little detail.

    This was very special for me to conduct. Thank you all for your love and support.
  18. Krothu

    Krothu Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2013
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    I’m honored I could take part in this occasion on behalf of the Bloodrock Orcs. On the fields of battle we’ve faced Lord Krake more times than I could count and for Orcs, the greater our enemies, the greater our respect for the warrior. Not only was he a revered RP enemy but was revered for who he was. His contributions to the shard were priceless,and he will be missed. In the end we’re all going to meet again and tell stories of days past. “NOOGGRRAAHH LORD KRAKE”. *pounds fist into chest*
    eherruh, Azerothian, DaBucs and 5 others like this.
  19. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    If you could put down my name TheDarkOne please as I forgot to sign it
    Azerothian and Jupiter like this.
  20. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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