Is it just me or what. I have a GM swords / tactics /anatomy and it takes me forever to kill even the low level stuff like earth elementals. I miss on a lot of swings and when I hit not much damage at all is delivered . I would think a GM warrior should be able to fight some tough stuff, he even has gm peace, if not for that he would be in bad trouble. Am I missing something or is normal for a warrior on this shard? Thanks in advance South
I don't really play warriors..I wonder if your wep is worn thus resulting in low damage..Or try slayer weps..
Your question, while genuine, I predict is going to bring up a fair bit of subjective replies. Mine is one of them. I have questions though... what weapon(s) were you using, specifically? what are your stats? were you using any str/agility potions? have you had the weapons for awhile? are you aware of the importance of weapon repair (blacksmithy) The investment for a dexxer is returned fairly if you really think about it. If you field GM weapons, you're going to do "okay". Bring out the slayers, you're going to do double damage at the very least. The amount of misses is interesting though. I'd look to weapon repair first.
Dexxers use Bone Armor or a mix of Chain tunic+legs, plate Gorget, Ringmail sleeves and gloves, closed helm. Useful weapons seem to be Force->Power->Vanq (also Slayer) Swords best weps imo are Halberd + Katana. Might/Ruin are used mostly if a slayer is involved.. but otherwise not good
helpers on the ball this afternoon. peace warriors are great. slayers help a ton, but if you're continually smashing your peace last you should be rolling through low level stuff with force or better, even GM weapons in the case(s) you mentioned. peace bashing lich lords, daemons, dreads, EGs, terra keep are all good, easy money, and there's inspirational vids of goofballs peaceing balrons. make sure your weapon is in good shape and appropriate and you've got the method down and you'll be good to go.
Oh I almost forgot... Use blacksmith repair deeds. When you use it though, here's a secret... Right before you click it at the blacksmith shop, hop in IRC and say BLAISE ! BLAISE ! BLAISE ! 3 times, just like that. Your weapon will repair better. I promise. I'm totally not trolling right now. dead serious
Even a Hardening bone set will net you 44 armor no dex loss And these are only 2k so no big deal if lose/break them
Thank you all, I am new to the weapon/ armor system . This warrior is my first toon on this shard . I am low on dex the moment and trying to raise it. I am getting messages that my equipment is worn, I bet its my axe. I will look for repair deeds and see if that helps. Thank you all very much, great group of players here South
PS have a shop in Ocllo aimed at helping new players...There are repair deeds for sale there...The shop is on the west side of town
Weapon is battle axe of force , no potion used . str / dex is low, working on getting it up. Ty for your help
are you a lumberjack? if you've got 5 skills GM'd (swords, tacts, anat, peace, probably music and decent healing, some LJ if you're axing), i'm assuming there's 700 skills total mixed in. if you're not there, buy 30 of a few random skills from NPCs. point snooping up and nothing else down. snoop an alt or bank sitter. basically set DEX where you want it in a few minutes. camping or herding will work the same, maybe not quite as fast, for STR. edit: these being low (should probably both be around 90) and your worn axe seem the likely culprits That’s a good guide for str if you want to do it faster Personally I usually just herd overnight and you will be there by morning. Probably well before honestly. But as everyone said slayers are needed. Much better results. Plus with high Dex will hit much more often. Not percentage wise just time wise. Keep red pots on you Incase it lowers. Also maybe add provocation that’s where the money is at man. Much more effective against tough mobs as long as there is more then one. Get a good Vanq to roam the dungeons with. Don’t go out there with power slayers as you will be PKed eventually and not everyone is as nice as me and leaves ppls stuff alone Shoot me a message if you need anything I’ll try to help you out with some supplies if needed
I noticed a lot of missing as well on melee. I'm not sure how exactly it's calculated but it seems to come in spurts rather than an expected random distribution. I'll miss 5 times in a row then land several hits in a row.