I've always looked at those small rooms and wondered the same... I know that they will never have a practical use for the way I play. Perhaps bedrooms was a thought I had. I only own two properties so if I could find a way to make each room accustomed to the different alts I have co-owned
I'm a fan of what @Arnold Lutz did to his this past deco contest. Very pleasing to look at and I enjoy the uniformity of each room.
Kali started a nice idea that I wanted to finish in our fort She made one room a map room, one archery, one music, etc The map room had the maps, archery room archery stuff...
Every time i come back I start the long road to compassion it's something I just can't avoid. Dashing around to all my marked Camps and freeing prisoners. That and Quest books. I mean to make more of them and get more folks involved (@BlackEye I'm thinking of you. ) I've really enjoyed quests from @Cero too. I saw that @Arnold Lutz had an epic list of feats as well.
Basically I joined to obtain the goals I didn't quite reach during my time playing in the late 90's/2000's. GM Mining - done GM Smithing - done Buy a Log Cabin (my favorite!) - done Craft my very own GM Gold Plate suit - done Uh....that was it.
I seek "unique impact" neither completely positive or negative. I want to alter people's nights in a way where they look back and say,"Hey, that was fun." How I plan to do that is still unknown lol
1-Finish the deco of my tower, i have everything i need to make a simple one... but still not know where to start. 2-Buy a ethy 3-come back with my vendor
Find me a nice house spot that will take a large brick or 2 story wood a d plaster house And finish out a couple of character builds I have been wanting to try.
- Small House - Large Tower - Provo Mage - GM Lockpicking finishing my Treasure hunter - Thief - GM Tamer - A Keep on green surface - Ethy lama - Blessed Runebook
1) Master PVP. Have enough $$$ that i don't have to actively farm to support pvping. -- Probably need to create a tamer toon / treasure hunter 2) Get an ethy llama or nightmare. 3) Blessed anniversary clothing set or two. 4) Maintain a decent sized residence ( maybe villa or something a little bigger than the small stone tower ) 5) help some newbs.