Cute, funny and the extent of his occupation of the residence. If Stranger were as experienced a UO player as he seems to act like, he would have placed the house I placed, or one right near this one, saving himself 60k or so. Hence the claim of the rather obvious situation that he's picked this up as a shill. All told, the character representation in this thread is rich and creamy. Plenty of food for the lurkers.
I'm sure the screenshot was well worth the "58,000gp paid" for this fine property. Get it while it's still open folks! THIS SURELY WON'T LAST!
While the tamer bonding quest has made swamps a highly traveled area (crocs, jwilson, etc), I would say that the house may be worth 10-15k more than the deed. The spot's value, in my opinion, is not worth much more than 15k more than deed. Now, to each their own, and value is the option of the buyer, I would say that the house isn't worth much more unless you find someone who wants to track Jwilson/Croc/etc from the comfort of their own Large Marble. As far as "jewing" a person down on price, that is a term that even some jews use. As far as racial slurs, white people call each other honky, black people call each other nigga, and strippers call each other hoes and bit#$%es. Just using this word or that word doesn't make you racist. My black friends call me nigga on a daily, I call them my niggas on a daily... none of us are racist. Now, bigotry on the other hand is assuming that he is racist and should rot because he said jew in a way that is money related.
Who did it offend? Are you jewish Gideon? Are you Blaise? Who did he offend? I called 4 of my friends who attend the temple on the regular basis and I read all the posts to them. They laughed at it. None of them took offense. In fact, they couldn't believe people argue over game money for a game item on a free game. They said that was offensive... not the jew comment.
I have several Jewish friends with thick skins and a good sense of humor as well. None of them would take it lightly if they were called a Jew in a derogatory sense (that of being tight with money being the most common), seriously. Sure, friends can toss it around and laugh about it but when ignorant people use it as an insult, it is embarrassing for humanity.
white people .... *tsk tsk* I don't see skin color (or names) only player packs and mystery gates at banks.
I think it is embarrassing that you troll people all day, every day, and have 2,692 messages on the forums. I think it is embarrassing that you bide your time by insulting people daily and then get mad when someone calls you a jew. I think it is embarrassing that you are known server wide as someone who bitches and moans more than a hooker or stripper.
Furthermore, I think it is embarrassing that this was a thread about a guy wanting to sell a house for too much, but your prissy vain ass made it the Blaise Show
For a self-proclaimed 'writer', you are terrible. The majority of my posts are answering questions and helping people, so sure, call it trolling. That's about as accurate as calling me a Jew. I debate well and people who can't formulate an argument to save their lives, call it trolling. Sorry and/or my bad that so many people are so terrible at having a different opinion without getting their panties in a wad. Secondly, for a 'writer', you seem to have a misunderstanding of the term bide. I don't wait out my time insulting people, I spend my time actively engaging in conversation and occasionally insulting people when they are daft. I'm really not worried if people 'know me' as someone who 'bitches and moans'. If it's any consolation to them, most of it has been directly geared toward the betterment of this server. I guess I could just keep my mouth shut and try to spend real money on in-game items, then brag about my geriatric three-ways and clapped out Ferrari. Would that help assuage your tears?
Actually, this thread was about a known thief, trying to gouge prices on a house that was so clearly not worth it, that it is no longer there (ie: free to be placed by anyone). It would seem you read as well as you write, considering my first reply was simply an inquiry as to where the added value is coming from. It's pretty fucking clear that I was dead on, there was none, and the only bid on this was a complete shill making not only the poster but the "buyer" both total embarrassments in business. Hahaha, too slow on the delete key DaLamer.
I think it was pretty clear to the entire server that it was over priced. I don't think anyone needed a troll to point it out. Thanks though. Carry on.