Hi all. I have a Villa mining house. Currently I can hit 3 veins but Im hoping to try to reach more with a ladder/platform system. I was wondering if one of you guys who have one could walk me through it? Please and thanks?
You can only mine up to 3 tiles away. A ladder gets you one tile closer. Normally, you have your house wall, then the one tile mandatory house spacing, then the mountain or node. Place a ladder so that the top is just over your wall, you will know if you have gone too far cause it says cant place outside your house. Then using a oak table with runner drop it at your feet lock it down. move your ladder one tile to the left or right and repeat until you have a platform. leave your ladder up on the end to get on the platform, Only worth placing if you are 4 tiles out from a node you cant hit from inside your house. no way to go any deeper, unless its a tower with a nice wing overhang
you need to build a layer on top of that one with the oak table, the kind you are using now is not “walkable”
@Steady Mobbin to back up what @E1000 said, the only tables you can walk on are "oak table with runner" style tables. I've been wishing for years for @Chris to expand our options for furniture you can walk on, but I wouldn't want for him to add something so frivolous to his already long to-do list. Other items that can be walked on are footstools, and dung. I have poop all over my tower to raise my character up one z. Also, when placing the ladders, make sure they're either Castle or Tower type ladders. You'll fall off the top of a regular ladder, but tower ladders have one invisible tile you can stand on at the top, and castle ladders have either 2 or 3, to allow you to get over the tops of walls in a castle.
OK, so ive got the walkable tables..... now i can get on top but i cant seem to place anymore ladders. Whats the next step? Im making progress. Feels like im almost there.
That's something I've been struggling with lately, myself. I usually just use the ladders to get me as high as I can, then build oak table ramps to go higher...like so: I would like to know how to place another layer of ladders, however. @E1000 should know the answer to that one!
No idea. I believe Peace knows how to do those hax. I use the FF trick if I'm making another floor and need to place ladders on the runners.
So thats how that dude killed the little egg. Can you go into a little more detail. I cast ff on myself.... then i try and place the ladder where exactly?
Ah, coo. I'd heard a rumor about using it to teleport once, altho I've never had the need to try it. That opens up SO MANY deco possibilities now that I couldn't make happen before! Thanks @Hollywood