The last two sold for this price. If a starting bid is all I get, I will merely be meeting what the previous two sold for, and I will be happy with that. Get your bid in and see if anyone else is willing to pull the trigger on this awesome dye.
If you'd like, I'll give you 2m, half in platinum, if you're interested. Or potentially more in item trades if you have want of things I have and might trade.
Hey hey, easy on the insults man. All I did was not immediately accept your lower than my starting bid (at the time) offer. Once I came back from vacation, you informed me that you weren't interested anymore. Your characterization of the situation is not accurate, nor relevant to the sale anymore.
Sounds like a possibility Blaise. I'll message you tonight so we can talk. Also, think about if you need another purple mask dye. I have one of those that hasn't flown off of the shelf either.
Sorry if I was being sensitive. I'm not the best at reading sarcasm because I'll often assume the worst. No hard feelings man. I just wanted to respond.