Hello, First post here on UOR. Let me start out by saying I love this shard so far, and it has really brought me back to my original days of UO back into 99/00. So I started out on UOR about a week and a half ago. Initially, I started up a dexxer (now 4x GM LJ), and shortly after, I began a crafting character. After saving up enough gold for a house, I found a nice placement next to mountains that could satisfy my mining needs. After creating my crafter and boosting stats to 100/100/25, I picked up a pack horse and went right to town on mining. Literally, within 2 minutes a 'Mountain Troll' appears and starts face wrecking my shiny new crafter. I then log onto my dexxer, kill the troll, and start mining again. Within the first hour and a half, I run into 4-5 of these trolls. While I can take them down with my dexxer, I still have to to a bit of kiting/healing which takes a bit to kill them. So after experiencing this phenomenon, I get on the UOR website and start looking up these mountain trolls, and how to avoid them. What I find: 1) They are supposed to appear when magic is used in correlation to mining (aka recall mining). Understood - I saw Chris' post about recall miners hoarding ore via macros, and this makes sense to slow it down. 2) There is currently a glitch where mountain trolls appear when they aren't supposed to. - I'm not sure exactly what this means, but I'm assuming my situation falls under this. I also asked a bit on IRC, and I was told to try and use the moongates before mining to fix trolls from spawning - this didn't work for me. So I took about a 4-5 day break from mining and GM'd carpentry & tailoring. Now I have my sights on tinkering and blacksmithy, so I want to farm up ingots. Well once again, I have a mountain troll appear within a few minutes of mining. After these latest 2 mountain troll kills take effect into my stats, my dexxer will be ranked 7th for most mountain troll kills. Now I'm completely lost on how to effectively mine while avoiding these guys. I understand why the developers put them in to avoid excessive recall mining, but I'm just a newbie miner trying to get some good hours of attended farming in. Just a few notes: My miner has 100 str 100 dex 25 int 700 total skill points (GM Carpentry and Tailoring) and ~9 in magery (never used a scroll or spell) I'm mainly using last object/target macros for mining. Played with razor a bit, but haven't built out a permanent macro My questions: Can I do anything to prevent these mountain trolls from spawning? Is there something in my skills/stats that are summoning these? I saw that the last patch made it so they don't attack pack animals, however, one still killed me this evening and it is a huge hassle to deal with. Any ideas out there?
Oh rats i wish i got half as many mountain trolls as you do !!! I basically made a recall miner to spawn moutain trolls but i get like one every two hours ... Make sure you carve them after you kill them since they have a 1/5 chance of giving you a peculiar meat which sells like crazy at the moment
That's weird I can mine all day on my character and not get a single one, I think Chris should look into this sounds like something is wrong.
Got another one after about 15 minutes of mining. I guess I'll stop complaining for now... it dropped a peculiar meat, +15 power kryss and a few other magics. Still a bit annoying, but it gives me some good loot.
I quit using my recall miner right before the patch, and didn't realize this was such a problem. Is there anything being done to fix this issue?
Stop recall mining. Build a combat miner. Addressing Praga's concerns, excessive recall mining will cause you to have to deal with mountain and cave trolls. In our extensive research we found almost no evidence that players were recall mining without some sort of automation. This system serves to make sure that if you want to use a macro to mine you will need to be prepared to deal with the occasional spawn. Much like players who are fishing. That said the system does very specifically look for magical traveling + mining. Without the combination of these two factors you should not see any trolls. Option 1. Avoid excessive recalling and mining. This will lower or remove the chances to face a mountain or cave troll. Option 2. Have a PvM character available with a copy of your mining runebooks available to come in and deal with the troll. Option 3. Give your miner some combat skills and kill the trolls (they are not that hard) Option 4. Mine classically. If you are doing the steps listed above and still see the trolls just page ingame and we can look into it. There is an extremely rare situation in which if you have never traveled by magic, a marker could not be set queue to be checked for a troll visit.
Thanks for the reply Chris. I've had 4 spawn in about 2 hours of mining since my last post. However, now that I've GM'd healing with my dexxer, they're even easier to take down. Your last statement sounds like it relates to my situation. I'm essentially mining classically, and just using 'Last Used' 'Last Target' macros fromt he UO interface (not razor). No magic has ever been used on this character, and the only travel he has done is through a couple of moongates. I think I'll keep the farm up a bit more before I page you guys . The last one dropped a +20 vanq axe so I'm loving it now.
Glad to hear it. I did review the code and there was a way that a troll could spawn in rare situations for new players. It should be fixed in the next patch.