Which mare is better among these two?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by hiraku, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. hiraku

    hiraku Member

    May 23, 2014
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    mare 1
    HIT / STR / DEX / INT
    506 / 507 / 90 / 117

    mare 2
    HIT / STR / DEX / INT
    497 / 524 / 95 / 120

    i'm willing to use the mare for pvp
    i'm not an expert yet but i think the second one is better? both pure
  2. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Hard to say! This is an interesting (i feel like a trammie!) topic for me. I think people have very strong opinions here that I don't always agree with.

    So my understanding is the maxes are 525 / 525 / 105 / 125

    And i also think I've heard stats will gain up to 100. So a 94 dex mare can gain to 100 if that's true.

    So right off the bat my thinking is that the difference between 100 and 105 dex is probably so negligible that it shouldn't be considered.

    Then strength - what's the damage difference every 10 strength? Probably also negligible, right? I imagine small enough to always be 0 increased damage. So 507 or 524 strength - I also imagine this doesn't matter.

    We do know that breath damage is based on current health...so higher health is better. And we know that's criteria for living a little longer. I think that's where I'm putting the most value personally.

    In the case of dragons pets are likely to have a range or 450-475 mana pool - these are relatively similar numbers. I can't imagine the mana pool ever making a difference here. But for mares the difference between 100 and 125 mana is a more considerable percentage. I'm not convinced it will often make a difference, but I think it holds more weight.



    in my opinion, HP and INT are the most important stats for a mare. I'd likely just choose mare one.
  3. hiraku

    hiraku Member

    May 23, 2014
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    Thanks Mes for your opinion,

    about the DEX you're correct, both can be trained to 100

    something i didn't get is whether INT affects all other spells damage (other than breath) for the mare

    but yea, even if so, probably the difference between 117 and 125 is not significant enough, compared to the HITS
    am i right?
    anybody else?
  4. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Int won't affect damage on breath or spells I don't think. Breath damage is determined by Current HP/20 I believe. IE a mare with 500 hits will breathe for 25 damage or a dragon with 800 will breathe for 40. I'm not 100% sure though but that seems to be about what they breathe for on average and thats their average hp values. So blessed I'd guess mare 2 would do an extra point of damage with firebreath in the end (WARNING: This assumes the mare is FULL HP when it breathes remember as they get beat down their breath gets worse.)

    On terms on strength and hits 10 HP isn't too big a deal usually if something is hitting hard enough its going to die even if it has an extra 10 HP. The strength influences its damage slightly, Also on a mare usually your gonna send dragons in first to tank then dismount and send in mare. It usually shouldn't be the one taking hits unless the monster your fighting retargets or has an aura attack.

    For the Int, both mares will be able to triple flamestrike at GM med if the AI so chooses. I'd go with mare 2 if your looking purely at damage as it should be melee hitting enough for the strength to make up the one point firebreath loss, If your pvping however firebreath is one of the more dangerous things there and I'd go with mare one in that case.
  5. hiraku

    hiraku Member

    May 23, 2014
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    yea i guess that's the point,
    so i'll bond mare 1 and consider to keep the one with strength for pvm only maybe

  6. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Yeah i get Athena's logic I'm just very skeptical that the damage difference 10 str may make is even notable in any way (ie the 0 range). How much damage is a mare's melee likely to do, 25 damage? If it has 2% more strength is it likely to do more damage? I find that very unlikely.
  7. Eugen

    Eugen Active Member

    Apr 11, 2014
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    I'd pick the 2nd one, bond it for now and see if can find a better one.
  8. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    If INT had any influence on spell damage, dragon spells should hit 4x as hard as mare spells. So I'm pretty sure INT is just the mana pool.

    The difference between a high int and a low int mare is more than 25% of the mana pool so that's a considerably higher difference than the int range of a dragon offers.

    But here's the catch .. if you wanna PVM with you mare, the mana pool will be drained within 1-2 minutes and everything after that is just Meditation.

    It's a different story for PVP where those 1-2 minutes in which the mana tank is drained might be the decisive part of a battle.

    Since I only do PvM and mostly care about dragons, I started to share Dalavar's criteria when looking for pets : High HP, High Str for PvM because those values directly influence the continuous damage output of your pet. Getting Dex > 100 is nice but only a second priority. I don't care about INT at all because that just hurts the first 1-2 monsters I kill ... lol yeah that almost sounds as if I do farm.
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    This post serves as evidence that wodan has deceived all of us! He does on some occasions leave his house, albeit he only leaves with a continent of giant, flame breathing, Dragon guards.
    Wodan likes this.

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