You seem to have hit that Vet phase where all you do is moan about stuff. Saves are currently taking 10 secs of our time every 30 mins. Seems fine to me.
Saves are every 30 minutes. And as long as we keep the save times reasonable (under/around 10 seconds) this is the best option to protect our players from lost time. Most servers move to hourly saves once the save times climb up to the 20-30 second time. So far CuB has been very effective at keeping the item count down however this event has caused it to tick back up again.
World cleanup mostly. Item decay for instance is handled as part of the save process. And a variety of other things which can cause the variation. Access to write operations on the server can slow it down as well. But for the most part saves are between 8.5 and 10 seconds. Pretty good for a nearly 8 year old server. At this same period my last server was in the 30-40 second range. With similar items, mobiles and guilds.
I am down for world saves every 5 minutes... I got these drops and then 5 mins later the server crashed
World saves are super annoying when trying to get into your house to log off, stable pets, restock, etc. But sometimes they can be a welcomed break where you realize you have a death grip on your mouse.
World saves are systematically making me fat. 9+ seconds is the perfect amount of time to stuff a snack (oreos, chips and dip, pizza rolls) in my mouth. 1st world problems? Yes! But still a problem and should be top priority of yours Chris.