I've got a real peach of a dragon, the kind that will treat you right. SB 30k, minimum BI 10k, BO 150k, 24/48.
Glad to see you're active again @lawn elder Let me know when you're ready to meet up to complete the trade of GoodDrag
@eherruh Hey hey, yea I've been popping in here and there. I'll jump on Discord tonight after work, GoodDrag waiting safely in the stable.
I'm very much new to taming so this has piqued my interest. I got a 823/824/93/469. Is that rather good? I thought it a bit odd my second tame would be fairly exceptional if that's the case.
hits and str are good but the dex is a killer.. you can use it or train it up to 100 though and in that case it wouldnt be a bad one for sure
That is a perfectly good, bondable dragon in my opinion. Bonding is an iterative process. You can always bond something better and it never hurts to have multiple sets of pets to use, as they can be trained up in skill (and stats; anything under 100 will eventually raise to 100). Peculiar meat is rather cheap at the moment and dragons take 3. 45-60k gold is not that much, in the long run, to bond a dragon for immediate use.
I have that one and an 825/818/103/475 bonded now, both currently in a futile battle with a shadow iron elemental.