Anyone know who owns this property? I'd be interested in buying it from them if we can work out a price. It doesn't look like a primary residence ATM.
That’s a grandfathered house that will never fall that is auto refreshed by the server. jupiter used to own it I think. anyways it’s not for sale and it’ll never be used, ever. Total shame, just like all the other dormant player run spots that are never used in great locations which should be removed because their owners or guilds haven’t played here for years. but, it’s a lost cause to fight this.
I thought Jupiter owned the Shrine house? He has been on in spots in the last few years - although not regularly. Does he own this spot as well?
Cool cool, that sucks that it isn't get-able at the moment (maybe ever) really nice property. Thanks for the heads up.
that’s a grapevine rumour who owns it. Regardless of who owns it, it’s a shame all these properties and towns are owned by extinct players and guilds
I made enquiries about the moonglow house with the portal to wind, Les Claypool said it was put in there to entice a guild from another server in the early days. Couldn’t even find the guild or any players for it in the database. I’m not giving Les shit, but it sure is a shame that so many amazing spots like that exist that just aren’t used or utilised. By anyone. Doesn’t leave a lot, or any, room for active players to be passed on a torch or own incredible houses. Only time dope houses become available now is when the owners get caught cheating and their spots get added to the raffle.
Maaannnnnn, I am reluctant to develop an opinion on this topic since I enjoy my time here so much, but this is so obviously a sore spot. I'm sure all the solutions have been put forward at this point to no avail. Just the creeping realization that I've been running through ghost towns is a bummer.
There’s a player made town with fountains, pathways, decorations and add ons that are owned and refreshed by one individual person. There’s another player run village that comprises of 18 houses (12 of them BIG) that are owner and refreshed by another individual person. There’s 12 empty forts that are being refreshed by another individual person. There’s another 14 forts that have been on the same refresh cycle for 4 years unused, can’t find out who’s refreshing those because I think they’re doing it hidden from inside and just double clicking the sign every 10 days. I would guesstimate that 70% of the forts on this server are unused and just being refreshed. There’s some insane houses owned by players that haven’t been in game or on the forums for 2 years. And I know this cause I have tried to buy them all at some point here and hit nothing but walls. It is, as you say, a major bummer. Lots of suggestions have been made. Like I said, only way these properties come up are if the person is caught cheating and end up in the raffle.
And sometimes I see auctions that fly over a mountain of gold, and then no one lives there and they are obviously purchased for the purpose of the type - I will someday return and play! But in fact, new points of milking updates appear, in which a fireplace could burn and rattle glasses with ale after interesting adventures! ... just observations. I follow some sweet houses and there is never a light in the window! I will not say that this affects new players badly, because UOR is the best anyway. But overall this is a wormy apple. Please transfer this to the relevant topic, which has already been discussed 10,000 times ..,
I stopped having big dreams of a fort in a good spot here last year. As I searched far and wide for a good house, every time I found a good spot that I would try hard to buy I would inquire about it and be told, “Oh, that’s Dinglestick’s old place, give up, it will never be allowed to fall.” Who cares that Dinglefuck hasn’t been here since 2014. No matter how much I farm - I’ll never own a fort here that’s isn’t in swamp or snow and that’s mildly depressing. Still the best server and that’s why we all play here.
Probably worth a discussion topic in another section of the forum, but what would be the proposal for a solution to this, aside from condemned status when the owner doesn't refresh over X time (except in certain circumstances like military service or illness) (which I support btw)? I agree it can be extremely frustrating when you're after something and it seems impossible to get. As someone who has bought/traded a decent amount of things that were "not for sale" in my time here (including over the past year), I would also suggest that if you've really got your sights set on something, go beyond offering gold/plat - anyone can farm that stuff up. Find out what someone is willing to trade for it or thinks they have no chance of finding and seek it out. If they need a pair of 3rd anni purple sandals, go on the hunt and find some, or find someone who has them and then find out what they need. Be persistent. Not implying that folks are not doing this, or that it will work every time, but I believe anything is possible and encourage folks to not give up. Cheers fellow wizards.
I feel you on that one @Steady Mobbin . I've also been trying for a good while to find an owner of a large keep that seems to be on refresh for a couple years now..... I still keep my hope alive though!!!! WTB/Looking for Owner! Large Keep North Minoc
I don't have fort dreams yet, but I am bumping up against this a little. I guess it can't hurt anything to keep talking about it. It would be cool if there was some rule change we could all agree on. Something like, if you don't personally refresh your place in once every "X amount of time" it gets put on some automated auction that the owner is the beneficiary of. All of the items in the house go into a special kind of bank account that the owner has access to upon their return. So the owner gets fair market price and keeps all their rares and we get a steady supply of new houses.