Actually maybe it's better if the rares were inventoried and sold with the house, putting rares back in the market as well. No harm in holding on to stacks of gold.
Squatters rights. If a house isn’t refreshed by the owner for 90 days the locks start to decay. After another 30 days the locks are pickable by a GM lockpicker with a 1/1000 chance simmilar to the raffles Person who picked the lock then posts notice of his right to assume possession unless challenged by the owner within 14 days. That can trigger an internal alert to contact the owner of the property via the email he used to sign up. After 14 days if he doesn’t log in and refresh (causing the squatter to be banned from the property and unable to try the same spot again) the squatter is assigned the new owner and able to unlock items in the house which gains them access to the rest of the house as squatters only have as much access to your house as your home security would of previously allowed access.
It also really doesn’t help that there are, unscrupulous losers here who buy and sell things, including property, for RL money or share accounts and account access. You’re right ReZon, you can offer them something they can’t farm up, but if their time here is done and they don’t care about rare sandals or Blaise rage crystals more often than not, the thing they can’t farm up is RL money. And they’re happy to ask for it because it doesn’t matter to them. Proof. Houses in the raffle right now.
If you’re done here, hand over your accounts to Chris, let him RL auction and split the profits 50/50 between the server and the ex player. How many ex players gonna turn that offer up? Free money + Help the server they enjoyed and played once.
I think there should be a limit of forts per IP of two. So folks can’t collect them and leave them empty preventing folks from ever getting there.
They do, and Chris catches them when it happens. I’m really not discouraging you from playing here dude, this is hands down the BEST UO server out here with some amazing and dope players that make a legit, decent community. But, yea it happens sometimes and it’s fucking lame.
I actually didn’t read a single reply here. The truth is, the loyalty to players long forgotten and never to return is too great by our leader. Therefore it will never, ever change. I hope I eat my own words here but I know I won’t. If you’re in the inner sanctum with staff, you stay there. That’s fine. I’ve moved on from it. It’s a dead issue. You could have Einstein here building an algorithm to figure out the best solution to this problem and it still wouldn’t get looked at. TLDR: this topic shouldn’t be moved. This topic shouldn’t be debated. This topic doesn’t exist so it shouldn’t exist. If that makes any sense. anyways, good luck.
As the server keeps growing, things will change. This is a big touchy subject for all, but I think it inevitably will be addressed because population keeps growing. This server has not hit numbers this high in a long time and the trend is consistently going up. You can only keep supply artificially down for so long before the community can no longer tolerate it. I don’t know if it’s possible to program, but i like the idea of condemning a house if the account owner hasn’t logged on in a long time. Same as the website being able to track inactive items. I also think lowering housing ownership from 5 to 3 per account is another thing to try. You could implement these in phases and see how housing ends up. If I ever do leave, I would let my properties move on. A little nostalgia isn’t worth it when it could bring someone a ton of happiness and complete a UO dream. Once you’ve reached your dream, let someone else get the chance.
Even if condemned housing happens it seems that there will still be favorites that will be allowed to be on perma refresh which is kind of lame
If the owner him/herself is continually logging in to refresh, then I don't have an issue with it - they earned it, they get to decide how it gets used. If it is just friends, then it should be condemned.
How many threads like this have been made, moved to trash talk , locked and forgotten? There have been so many suggestions how to alleviate the issue but not many new ones so I would just like to congratulate @Earsnot on a new vibrant idea that not only resolves the condemned houses issue but also adds a new area of game play yo our GM locksmiths +1