Theoretically, one in every 720'000 Dragons has these stats. Now while it might be possible nearly as many dragons have spawned on this server, I'd be surprised if more than 1% of those dragons were tamed. I was already totally amazed when Lud tamed the perfect stat dragon. Never thought I'd see one of those. But there's 30 different HP values we can get and I'm sure I won't be here long enough to see the perfect dragon.
I dread to think of all the potentially awesome dragons I killed as a bard before I trained my tamer...
I recently was cycling through dragon spawns in wind, using the nearby guards to quickly kill the ones I didn't like, and I came across one that was 825/825/104/472. I proceeded to knock his hp down with my mare and blade spirit, and for whatever dumbass reason I opened razor to check a macro and ended up killing it. Needless to say I gave up after that.
Thank you for identifying this exploit. Let's move this to the bug forum to prevent future elite turdburgling in the future.
The clever use of game mechanics isnt exploitive, I tried this, its probably easier to kill the dragons, also more profitable.
You should try it before you jump on it, its really not that easy. You have to lure it from a spot behind two drakes and around a corner where you can get trapped and die. Its not like its RIGHT there. Much easier to sick two dragons and a mare on it after clearing the drakes out, and you are also paid for your time.
ZOMG, not two drakes! I don't think you should be able to use guards to farm for top tier dragons. The risk to self is practically nil and the result could be worth millions (see sales thread). I'm not going to start a new thread or make some movement to have it corrected but it's clearly an abuse of the mechanic, in my opinion. If you think it's easier to kill them, so be it, that is your opinion. Any tamer can go there without risking his own tames and just lure, rinse, repeat until you hit paydirt. Not only that, as far as I understand it, that's one of the easiest spots to tame dragons in as well. Sounds pretty lame.
The two drakes make it too annoying, not dangerous. Its not pratically without danger, I did it to 3 dragons and came close to dying 2 of the time, theres a spot where you round a corner and get stuck and the dragon teles onto you most of the time, so this is not without risk by any means. There is no "Risk" to a tamers tames to take out one dragon with two dragons. The varable your also not taking into consideration is the spawn time of the single dragon. This alone made it not worth it. You stand a hell of a lot better chance getting some nice tames by taking your pets and clearing out destard for a few hours. This method is useless and anyone who does it that is a tamer is wasting their time. It is certainly not some great exploit.
Actually, I paralyzed the dragon, lured the drakes far away from the spawn point, then went back to the dragon lair and was able to lure each one I didn't like to the guard zone. While you don't gain any cash, it is an easy way to cycle through dragons to find one you like. It's not an abuse it's just using the mechanics that have ALWAYS been in place to my advantage. Sorry if you don't like it. You can have it nerfed I could care less I got the pets I wanted out of it.
Is me using a restock agent, organizer agent, afk Margery macro, lumberjack macro, etc an abuse because it quickens my gameplay? Maybe. You're a cry baby. Not everyone likes to play in your homo role playing fantasy world where everything has to be this detailed, drawn out version of your perception of how the game should be played. Just because I have a knack for finding creative ways to enhance the goals I set out to achieve doesn't mean I'm being abusive or breaking some kind of unwritten rule. I swear any time someone finds a creative way to make their gameplay a bit easier you're right there to shout, "abuse!" "Omg that's not how it was intended!" How the fuck do you know what the developers intent was? Maybe they did design it as such so that people who think outside the box would have a good way to find suitable pets. Since you don't know that, don't sit here and play Mr. Know it all as usual. I could find TONS of ways to use varying mechanics to my advantage in many different aspects and you would more than likely shout abuse simply because you don't think like myself or others may. I'm constantly looking for new ways to do things to give myself advantages. That's what good players do. The ones who suck and spend their time face down in the dirt are peasants like you.
Also, you're very wrong stranger. My method was VERY easy to accomplish once properly set up. Which didn't take long, and the spawn timer of the dragon was no different than waiting on an elder gazer to spawn in shame. It would literally spawn within seconds sometimes, and a couple minutes others. It's far easier without the drakes; also, you don't have to worry about 50 other dragons breathing fire down your neck like destard, and you never run into pks.
Yes, I understand you have spent 15 years trying to find every little shred of advantage in gameplay. I applaud you for your commitment and skill in doing so. However, that has literally nothing at all to do with my opinion of using (abusing) mechanics for an unfair advantage. This isn't gamebreaking but if you don't walk away thinking like you pulled a fast one, you're lying to yourself. This is clearly an abuse of a game mechanic for an advantage that allows you to find better dragons, faster than normal means. I assure you, the developers never intended for people to squeeze out every possible loophole for profit they could. They absolutely knew that people would because that is human nature. Same reason some folks spit on baseballs. They just can't hack playing the game like mature adults and absolutely bust a fat nut on every butthair of advantage they can pull. When they first implemented a helmet law in NY, folks were wearing them on their fucking elbows because the law didn't specifically state where it had to be worn. Only an idiot, or a criminal, would see an alternative.