I am tired refreshing. I am giving these away. The one on the right has 3 nodes from inside, the one on the left has 2, I think. Tell me why you deserve these houses. This is not reserved to new players, but being a new account might back a few extra points. Who ever has the best reason after a few days wins the houses (both of them.) Be creative and have fun. The decision will be based in part on how many likes the post gets.
Heyo ! I am on it ! I've started working on battlemining and i'd like to make some macro out of it so i can make some more guides !
Hello, Im an old uo vet just getting started on this server. I would love one of these houses as it would make leveling up my crafter easier. Im not picky either as i have yet to purchase a home.
Hi. I was going to write a post about how I deserve these towers to help me build my mining empire but I think I'll just simply say give them to me to make sure Agent Jackson doesnt get his hands on them.
http://uorforum.com/threads/the-bureau-of-mining-and-trade-regulation.48561/ http://uorforum.com/threads/temporary-closure.49033/
Hi, I'm a new player (I have about 1 month of life on this shard) and my main characters for now are the tamer and the battleminer, but I'm also working on a crafter, so I would be very interested in having houses like these where to find materials. I don't want to bet on being a woman because I think I would win, hands down, so I won't say it ! Besides, my boyfriend will beat me if I can't get them, but he will beat me anyway even if I show you my boobs for having them.
I am a veteran who has just gotten back into the game in the last month and I have been busy getting my feet wet and getting back into everything. I am an avid miner and have been since my days on the Chesepeake server. I would use these mining houses to refill my stock of ingots and then spread the rest back out into the local economy. If I were to get these 2 mining homes then I would like to donate my small marble workshop to a newer player in need. It is situated near a mountain and fairly close to a cave where someone could use shovels, I will even provide them with some shovels to get started. I realize I dont have a great story but that's what Id do if they were mine.
Sorry, been away. Was trying to keep up on this, but did a poor job. @Swizzlesticks , I like the idea of you donating your old minig house to a new player (perhaps @Kish so she doesnt get beaten...), so you are the winner. PM me on discord when you are available. I will try to get this handed off as soon as possible
Awesome, I will message you on Discord later today when I get a slow down at work. @Kish please message me on discord Swizzl@8996 so I can get you your cave/mining tower and save you from your beating. I will be leaving you a bag of different colored shovels as well so you can have some golem killing fun.