For sale is the first and currently only exceptional valorite runic weapon on the server. Exceptional Short Spear The other spear is a non exceptional valorite runic spear, same as a +25 vanq but it's the valorite color. It was the very first valorite runic weapon crafted on the live server though. Exceptional Short Spear S/B = 500k Non exceptional Short Spear S/B = 50k Min bid increment of 20k on the exceptional and 5k on the non exceptional. Plat is accepted at 6k per
Good shit and a nice test of the waters. For those who don't understand the implications here, Vanquishing is +9 damage. An exceptionally crafted runic weapon is +4 damage on top of its magic properties. Thus, the 500k min bid is for a +25 to Tactics Short Spear of +13 damage. Oh and it's blue. I'll bid 50k on the normal one.
When one of you factioners decided to get a valorite double axe or large battle axe. Ill buy your used wep when the blessing is gone to recoup your money. I'd like to have one for Ctf
Looks like Blaise wins the non exceptional. Only a couple more hours until Basoosh wins the exceptional