This is my official petition to @Chris regarding Discord account permissions to post screenshots/pictures and gifs (to be known henceforth as Picture GIF Permission, or PGP.) Primarily screenshots, but GIF's are fun too. Having the ability to post screenshots greatly increases our ability to communicate with one another. Whether it be for macro help, in-game directions, or any other problem-solving situation, having this ability is a must! Think of the community! Think of the newbs! Now, I understand the hesitancy to limit PGP's to keep 'strangers' from posting something off-color... so what I'm suggesting is, to create a vetted discord status that will allow PGP after a certain amount of time. I've listed examples of some possible stipulations below. - Discord user(s) will not have PGP until they have been in the UOR Discord channel for 30 days. - Discord user(s) will lose PGP if they haven't posted a message in the UOR Discord channel for 30 days (must DM staff to reinstate PGP.) - Discord user(s) will lose PGP if their content is flagged/reported X amount of times. - UOR Staff/Discord Moderators can remove PGP for any discord user(s), at any time, and for any reason. ** I know I could just donate, and hope I was eventually granted the appropriate permissions, but I just don't think it should be tied to that. FREE SPEECH!
That looks like a lot of work for the unpaid staff to keep up with... It has been known to happen that if you contribute in a positive manner in the channel, Ie helpful information, UOR related and stay out of controversial topics... ie Religion, Politics or the quality of my BBQ, then Orange Name status has been conferred without a monetary contribution... I aint saying this is policy or alternate rules, just an observation of what has previously ocurred.... Remember this is not a democracy, more an enlightened Monarchy, so concepts of Free Speech as a RIGHT do no hold