So you want to be a rock superstar? And live large? A big house, Five cars, You're in charge? Comin' up in the world? Look no further! I'm looking to downsize the number of houses I have and the keep complex needs to go. Zooks I've pulled in area: jwilson, crocodile, rattlesnake, sewer rat Holiday Spawns: I've gotten all holiday spawns around the keep. An NPC Camp spawns next to the keep regularly. Close to water if that's your thing. Mountains close enough to drag over Shadow Elementals for training. Large Keep of private Court Yard is always A+ 2 Large Bricks and a Tower between them. Shuffle the brick and tower a bit to the right, and you should be able to bridge all the way thru (never cared for bridging myself, so never did it) Large Smithy as a drop house. Get your runebooks and chests set up on the porch for easy drive by loot deposits. Better yet, gate the good stuff securely from your locked down porch to the keep's CY. Great for the land baron wanting his own (or to expand his current) fiefdom. Even better for a guild that wants to be located together with the benefit of nobody feeling like they got screwed with the small house in the deal. Assume it all comes empty except what ladders are there etc for roof access. SB: 15m BI: 100k BO: None I will listen to private offers 72 hrs = 1 bid 48 hrs = 2+ bids Gold is King. Xmas Scrolls @ 250k (up to 10m) -- Edited to double Xmas scroll value
Second Patio probably fits on left where large brick is. Second drop house or casting patio pay spawn. Create complex dude, I'd snatch it up if I had the cheddar. I owned drop patio in Bog for long time loved it. Good luck
My problem is that I don't trust nobody. Gotta look over my shoulder constantly... Also broke, but good looking setup fella