Looking to raffle this Large Keep bridged to LT ( extra 100 lockdowns added to LT ) other homes in picture will be dropped if winner doesnt want them too. Roof deco can stay if winner wants to keep it. 1mil per spot or 4x any xmas scroll , 15 spots total. ** PICK YOUR OWN NUMBERS 1-15 , FIRST COME FIRST PICK! ** 1/15 chance to win this amazing setup. Once all spots are sold & gold collected I will post on this fourm a date & time of the random 1-15 roll on UOR General chat done by the bot with the command ( !dice 1 15 ) A picure and message will be posted on this fourm of the winner ** EVERYTHING WILL HAVE TIME STAMPS **, you can also look for your self on general chat UOR Discord. 1. Virteego - paid 1m 2. Virteego - paid 1m 3. Virteego - paid 250k & 3x scrolls 4. Infern0 - paid 4x scrolls 5.Seige - paid 1mil 6.Seige - paid 1mil WINNER OF THE RAFFLE!!! 7. Ziggy Stardust - paid 1m 8. Seige - paid 1m 9. Blacklow - 4x scrolls pending 10. Garavar - paid 500k / Genius - 500k Pending 11. Yukon Jack - paid 500k & 2x scroll 12. Seige - paid 500k & 2x scroll 13. baby Keyser - paid 500k & 2x scrolls 14.Heresjohnny paid 4x scrolls 15.Delstrudo paid 4x scrolls
I spoke with the OP and am able to run a neutral and public drawing for the winner. This will be streamed live and recorded. Numbers will be picked using an online RNG tool.
Another Garavar-esque question... If you drop the other houses does winner get deeds? It's like 700K in deeds
Winner gets keep+LT , the villa is also bridged to the LT so it can stay if owner wants for free. ( IF villa were dropped it cannot be replaced under LT , which would Need the LT Placed after the villa which would reset the extra lockdowns on LT ) The 3 sst blockers and sandstone blocker I will drop unless winner wants to keep which I would like deed cost for those & roof deco on those can also stay if wanted. The Large marble is not apart of this sale & will be put up for sale at a later date.