Private offer's welcome , if accepted I will post the offer. I'm looking for some statues 1151 & 1154 hue's only Accepting plat up to 50% of sale @4.5k per. b/o 4m for 20exp valorite platemail large bod s/b 2m for 20exp valorite platemail arms SOLD - private offer of 2mil + 1151 yeti statue. b/o 3mil 48/24 hour rules.
Braaaap , smalls sellin for 2-3mil super fast and only a few posted each year. I won’t be dropping price Happy bidding
Braaap Adj. A sound of elation, similar to the revving of an engine in a dirtbike/quad. Often used after achieving a good grade or making a badass play in a sport. Sometimes also used when referring to any type of vehicle with a powerful, winding engine. See also go burls. Background Originally exclusive to dirtbike/ATV riders, the phrase "BRAAAAPP!" is now widespread across the world. Many people believe that the tradition started many years back when Malcom ----- was interviewed after his first motocross win . Excited about his victory, Malcom described his final turn with the sound made by his dirtbike, exclaiming "BRAAAPP!!!!" in a gleeful manner. It has since been picked up by many across the world and is now a powerful adjective in today's society. Example 1 Ryan - Dude, I just got a B+ on my algebra 2 test! Chantz - BRAAAAAAAPP!!!!!!! Example 2 JC - I just SACKED that bitch quarterback! BRAAAAAAPP!!!! Example 3 Max - Yup, that's a CR250 Honda right there, you should hear the engine. BRAAAP!!