Okie were back! We will have prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd There will be extra merit given for posts that have a bit of description / story with them PhotoShop ect is allowed Please try not to take shots with tree/gfx hacks Screens taken in-game are preferred but not compulsory Please don't just post random pictures! Closing date for entries will be 31/08/2014
The Demon Excorcism dagger was tactfully renamed "Daemon Plunger" after this little excursion. It seemed we found the real reason demons are so cranky might be due to a little prolonged constipation. This dagger helped relieve numerous demons of their prolifically uncomfortable situation...
FYI, Jupiter is a wanted man... Thanks goes to Jebidiah for the remarkably accurate ASCII depiction of Jupiter.
I didn't want to bombard this thread with 11 photo's so I made a quick little album for you all to view instead. Not sure if it qualifies as an entry, but if not hopefully some of you enjoy these regardless! LINK TO ALBUM Photo #1 - EARLY UOR Alpha Development (Even with 6 players online you can still get townkilled) Photo #2 - A short while later you might just get some revenge. Photo #3 - Helping test out the crazy combat while having fun with a guildie (you could have 120 of every skill at this point I believe) Photo #4 - Descartes testing out trapped boxes. They don't work properly, but he found out that an axe still does the trick. Photo #5 - A little bit of PKing early on. Photo #6 - A little bit of PKing early on. Photo #7 - UOR's very first MIB, fished up with the very first fisher on the shard. (pretty positive on that, as long as my memory serves me well) Photo #8 - My very first UOR character, reppin it old school at the Brit GY. Photo #9 - How I trained my archers early in Beta. Photo #10 - Yes, SL in fact was not always ran by TT. And finally Photo #11 - I couldn't resist throwing this in here. For all of those who remember Kerigan (epic pvper - lawlz) She posted this screenshot in the main IRC channel.... Notice anything funny? (EUO) ENJOY!!!
So do I on a few different systems. Windows XP, fully patched, runs wonderfully when you're not downloading virus laden software from pirating services. Welcome to the internet where people who know what not to do, don't have problems with Malware. I don't even use Windows Firewall or have any virus scan software installed. GG
Most security professionals probably don't even run Windows. I'm not saying I haven't or won't run them. I just don't on any regular/scheduled basis.
As I was traveling around through the moongates to hit up a all the carpenters I could find, I stumbled across this little entanglement at the Trin gate. I assume it happened when some poor soul tried to go through the moongate at 88 mph.
This was my doing. Open to ideas for other fun stuff to do with it, please PM me if you or anyone else have any (want it to be a fun surprise for folks adventuring through the world.