The reality is HC is worth 3-4k and I see people starting to trade it 1 to 1. I want plat value to hold, yea it annoys me but this guy isn't exactly insulting the market. Unlimited printing of money with no resistance has consequences, think about that illuminati.
Amended- It has come to my attention that trading HC for plat is not common, and plat is more than likely holding it's value at around 5k. I will keep an eye on the market to verify this, and currently I will stand corrected.
There are lots of WTS posts for plat below 5k, not sure why you guys need to keep lying to everyone here.
How is that lying? He said "not many actually selling". I would count 4 people as not many. He didn't say "nobody selling". Keep selling it, sell it at 3k per or even 2k per, doesn't matter to people who aren't selling it now does it? You still can't figure out that we aren't champing for income, we do it for fun.
Traveler doesn't count, accepting payment in plat below market value doesn't mean much. Anticlock is verifying 5k per, 4.8 small discount for buying in bulk. El Kappi Tan Ozzy is at a rate of 4.6k, still acceptable considering it's not straight plat. Arcanias appears to be searching for a 4k deal (successfully?) on plat and flipping it at a quick profit for 4.5. None of this is compelling evidence to me that plat is dropping much below 5k. 4.5, possibly. I've seen a couple of ethys which sold for 2 million which caught my attention, and one person trading HC for plat. I would have cited those examples to make a case, but they appear to be exceptions to the rule of 5k per. I don't believe OP is going to have much success with his offer, or he will be waiting a while for sure. I haven't been here long but I can see this plat has been a debate for years. It's also funny to watch people get triggered at low ball offers on plat, I think it's more trolling than reality. I would probably be triggered too if I paid 10k and watched it drop 50% in value, I do hope it has stabilized. I would hope the people with excessive plat aren't dumb enough to devalue it by selling cheap. Poor people willing to sell cheap would be a problem, but I don't see that happening. I personally value my plat too much to sell below 5.
i use plat for deco nowadays. cause any new content released in UOR is always deco except for the rogue boots & the BOD ... cant think of anything else.
Plat is not worth 5k, dream on. Im offering to buy it at its real value to someone sitting on a pile of it who no longer gives a shit about this place. But yeah, keep trying to make people believe its worth more on a shard only 30 actual people play
Our guys have a lot because they enjoy champing. It isn't to stockpile it to try to sell. You are not "owed" any of it. If you want plat, go do champs yourself and stop acting like people should give you stuff they worked hard for.
Good point. I never really understood why people who are supposedly quitting for good would sell anything. I know so many cool folks that I would just give it away to for free b/c I know they'd appreciate it. Otherwise I would just leave it in the bank forever.
5k is a decent deal for people without the ability to champ. Plat is not worth 3k, because no one will sell it for 3k. You might think it should be worth 3k, but opinion is irrelevant. I can play make believe that plat is worth 1gp and wait on that person, but they don't exist. You can speculate future market value, but you don't get to decree current value. WHY would someone sell for 3k, when they will get 5k from someone like me? I don't have years to wait on a 3 or 4k deal, I want my blessed rune books now. Some of you guys should have started as Trammies and you could afford the nice things in life, rather than using all that time to watch me recall.
<<<I don't want you to turn that number into 29, so jump in the boat of pleasure. Don't beat the golden horse, you're not the first to get paper cut.
Maybe @Labeler spends all of his time in a fort full of plat statues.... a garden of more plat statues than there are active players.... maybe he's just less disappointed by his conversations with them..... Either way, if you are not paying gold for my clothing bless deeds then the platinum or holiday coins you pay with instead are worth the same to me.
Forum views alone suggests quite a few people here are active, not to mention many people don't even use the forums. Anyone willing to sell their plat to this guy for 3k, I'll pay 3.5. Bill CPR#9926