Hi UOR. Auctioning off my 10th Anniversary items this weekend. Best of luck to the bidders. Straight 24 hour timer* Green Items (Hue 2159) A) Fancy Shirt: SB 150k - BO 300k B) Floppy Hat SB 150k- BO 300k C) Bracelet: SB 50k - BO 100k D) Necklace #1: SB 50k - BO 100k E) Necklace #2: SB 50k - BO 100k Purple Items (Hue 2744) F) Goblet: SB 300k G) Earrings: SB 300k - BO 500k Silver Items (Hue 2659) H) Bracelet: SB 300k - BO 500k I) Candle SB 500k Magenta Item (Hue 2145) J) Tunic: SB 200k - BO 400k Thank you for your time!
Alright so the candle, the goblet, the tunic, and the floppy hat have been sold today. Congratulations to all the winners. There are a few items left, if there are no bids during the next couple days I will probably close the auction and try to sell them again at a later date. Thanks everyone for the interest, this was fun. Have a good weekend
it's not a 48h timer after the first bid? I thought so, reading 24/48. i might be wrong though... : (
Alright so it has recently come to my attention that the standard timer for auctions is 48/24 and NOT 24/48 as I had thought.. This has definitely created confusion and I apologize to all the bidders for this. Here is my interpretation of events On Thursday the 6th at 0157h Augustus placed a SB, the 24 hour timer was started Then on that same day at 1620h, Sanjurez placed a bid for 170k, thereby starting the 48 hour timer Two minutes later, at 1622h, Augustus bid 200k. Had this bid stood for 48 hours, Augustus would have won.. Then Friday the 7th at 1841h, approximately 26 hours after the last bid, Sanjurez bid for the buyout price of 300k I now understand that this is, in fact, not the usual auction format. My apologies to the parties involved. I may have to close this auction and restart it at a later date, now that I better understand the rules
24/48 or 48/24 usually means the same thing, but can be different. usually it means - 1 bidder is 48 hours to win, a second bidder makes it 24 hrs - thats the standard meaning it can be confusing depending what you mean - 24 with 1 and 48 with more then 1 bidder is not standard, however it is your auction
I have changed the timer to the straight 24 hour format.. If there are no bids on any items in the next 24 hours, the auction will be closed and restated at another time. Thank you again everyone for your consideration and understanding