I'll help Billy out on this one since he paid way more than this when he bought it from me. It's a 4 node house, all iron nodes, all can be mined from a single tile if you want. There is an agapite node out front where the elems can be easily kited into the trap depending how you setup the house. This is a legit production mining house.
So, I haven't had a miner/smityn since the 90s.. Would this be a good spot to use for rolling a crafter? Could I GM mining and smithing here with attended macroing at work, in theory?
400 ingots per hour * 7gp = 2,800gp/hr if sold in bulk. 2,800/hr * 8hr/day attended macro = 22,400gp/day semi,-passive 100,000gp / 22,400 = ~4.5 House theoretically pays for itself in less than 5 days to ROI then it's passive income. Any gaps in this?
Depending on what how/what you do for work..... you could use mobile to have a miner hit the four nodes every hour. It being a small marble you would then also need to harvest the elementals at least every 2 - 3 times you mine. I had a log cabin there just because I prefer the larger closed in space to store more elementals in. The 400 - 500 ingots/hr is just approximately how many dull copper or if you use a prospector's tool, shadow ingots you'll get out of the average digging session. The gold/gems from elementals would pay for your gargoyle picks pretty quick and yes, if you just sold the ingots (please dont sell them for 7gp each that's less than npcs sell iron for) the house would pay for itself pretty quick. Or you could use the ingots to fill your smith BODs (which can be done largely unattended) and get twice as much gold out of them.
Using gargoyle picks you'll end up with ~9k to 10k gold worth of ingots/gems/gold/loot per 1 hour reset, on average. I've probably mined at least 1m out of this particular house. If you mine the agapite node out front too, that will go up by ~3k per cycle but that involves getting some value out of the verite ingots in addition to the marble.
Definitely not selling because there's something wrong with it. I was using it to focus shadow ore since that was the only type I was missing but I got tired of running another mining house just for that.